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Show ( 96 ) mer Experiment, by their incej]ant Aj[aults, A Law was made, tiJat fi~ch Perfom jhor~ld be BanijJ1ed upon pahJ ef Deatb according to the Example of England, in their Provifion again.ft Jefuits.--- Anfw. The Confideradon of what I have already faid, as to your Laws, and the Grounds of them, and the Cruelties fufi:ained by rhe Innocem, tho' it be enough to lay you on the Ground, with all faber and unbyaifed People, and w make you appear ro be the wodl of Men, as you are of rhofe who pretend rhemfelves Chriftians; and though on this foot I need not add further weight ro this Matter, it being fo Comprehenfive of ir felf: Yet, in regard you have em our my way, and by adding Blood unto Bonds, Whippings, Cuuing off Ears, &c. laid a Necefliry upon me, ro bring upon you the Blood of the Innocent, as you have their orher Sufferings: And becaufe ye feem to lay the ftrefs of your Proceedings upon the Example of England, in their Provifion againft Jefuits, and fo feem to borrom what you have done, as w the Lives of rhefe People, thereupon ; for fo are }~our words, viz.,.--According to the Example of England, in tbeir Provifivn a~ainft Jefuits.-I fhall there pur you w it, and if ye there cannot hold, then ~e will fall_into Blood, as you an:! inro the refi ot the Sutfenngs of the Innocent. Thus then, the Law of Engla11d., in its Provifion agaiRfi Jefuirs, is laid upon thc::fe Grounds or Confiderarions. . Firft, Thar the Pope pretends unro a Supream RI&hr ov~r. all Nations and Kingdoms, in Thmgs Civil and Religious, as the Suc~effor of Peter. Secondly, That by Venue of this his Supremacy, he may Excommunicate Princes, Abfolve SubjeCts ( 97 ) SubjeBs fr.om .their Obedience, .Arm Subje8! agatnft thetr Pr)nces, Change rheu Dominions Degrade their Royalties, Set up, Pull down a~ he pleaferh. Thirdly, Th:H the Jefuirs, or thofe of the Order of Jefus (as they BlafphemouOy term it ) are the Sworn Servants of the Pope, and are fenr our by him into all Nations to Exert chis his Authority, and to hold forth his Dominion. Fourthly, Thar in Order heret1nto, the Men of !hat Order, or Jefuics ( fo called) have come Inro England, and have foughr, by Venue of lhe Suprem~cy aforefaid, to Draw Subjeas from Obedience to their Princes, Levy Arms Plot, Contrive, Raile Rebellions; yea, w Mur~ der .tl:eir Prir:ces; and this Ex Officio, & Virtute Ordmu, by Vntue of rheir Order or Office. Fifthly, Tha.t the Pope hath taken upon him to Exco~mum.care Prince.~ in England, lO Abfoive thetr SubjeCts from Obedience unto them· to Change, Alter, Pull down, and Set up, as h~ pleaferh. Sixthly, T~at the Jefuics (fo called) have been hereof Cortvttl:ed., and ro have wrouaht in Qr ... der hereunto, as the principal Emiifari~s. Se:'enth~r, That lhe Nacion of England harh ofr-rtn~es Endllred and Suffered, Conflicted witb, and Travelled rhrough much Blood and War Trouble and Mifery, to rhe Breaking of rh~ Peace thereof, and £he Hazzarding of irs Go.;. vernmenc ro a Foreign Va!fallage, becaufe and by reafon hereof. In_ Confi~era~ion of all which; and lhac the Englz(h Nauon .Is Nauu:ally Obliged co irs Righr a~d Lawful Pnnce agamft all Foreign Invafion, OI Oblrufion; and ~har the Men of the Order G aforefai4 |