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Show ( 198 ) For his and h ·s Wife's being at Meetings, and for haJing a Meeting in £heir Houfe, and for Taxes ro the Country, whicli he could nor pay, viZ>. ro maintain the Ta.ble of that Court, which fa[ to make Laws agamft them, ~nd to Rob them of their Goods. And Barloe the bloody Marfh;tl was hard a[ it again ; and gor two Men and Threfhed ouc his Peafe, and took them, and marked his Carrie, and let them run, till near the Jater end of the 3d Month, and then took them up : During which Interval o( time one of the Cows dying, rhe Marj1Jal demanded rhe Hide, and alfo marked a living. Cow in rhe dead Cow's ftead. And this they did t~ him, rho' he had lived at Sandwich about Two and Twenry Years ; and was one of rhe ffrft Setters up of their pubJick Ch~rch-Wor- 1hip; and (fomerime) Member of rhe1r Church, and never Excommunicated by them, bur lefr them for Trmh's fake; and had formerly taken the Oath of Fidelity ; and for nor Training. (tho' he was a Man of great Yearc;, and by reafon thereof might require a Difmifs) rhey fined him Ten Shillings, and Diftrained Pewter for ir as they pleafed ; with which fort ofHoufehold Goods a Man cannot eafily be fupplied again rhere ; yea, fo U nreafonably, and wirh CrueJry was he ufed, that they compeJied this old Man to appear before them at Plimouth (Twenry Miles difianr) and there the Governour fined him Twenty Shillings for nor putting off his Hat ( ar.d fm"' this they Dillrained a young Beaft, worth Thirty Five Shillings) Indeed Capr. Willet faid ro his Wife, That he took God to Wit~ nejj, tbt~t be de(ired not a Farthing of their Goods, nor the aking of one of their Fingers :-Bur how he hath had ro . do with their Goods, in c-aking. j[ ( 199 ) it from, and Impoveritbing their Families, i• manifeft, and hereafter declared, and his Falfehood therein, and his being Bold with the Lord, in raking him to Witnefs, whofe Witnefs is againfr him ; and he will know it is fo, when it rifes up in him (and rife it will ) A Worm that u:iU. never Dye, and a Fire that 'JJJi/J never go out. For this Man harh had more than a little Share in the Sufferings of the Innocent, nor only in this Plantation, but in that of the Dutr:h, where Robert Hodfon (and others) fuffered mofr unufual Cruelties ; and for which I mull reckon wirh him anon, whofe Father, and he, fled into Holland, and fo to New-England, for Liberty of Confcicnce. John Jenkins was plundted of-- 1·1tmkim 1. s. J. Two Cows, and one Steer 1 I 1 o oo Money attached in James Skijf's~ Hands (here's hard Work 8 oo oo indeed) Alfo of his Pot wherein he boyl- 1.9 1 o oo ed his ViCluals, being not able to get another, tiH about a Year and a half afrerwards; and was forced to Borrow during rhat fpace of rime ; which in Malice was done unto him, for his Wife threw down a New piece of Cloarh, double worrh rhe Sum ; but norhing would farisfie bur rhe Pot, who lived about Sixty Miles from rhe Marker, where he thould fupply himfelf again. And this was for not Training : And rho' he had lived ar Sandwich about Ten Years, and had three Children · and the very firft Year he came, he was mad~ a Freeman, and had his Vote in Town-meetings and |