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Show ;nore Innocent Blootl. her, That he wotJld hang mort. She told him, He 'JJaJ in the Htmd of the Lord, ,vho cottld take him alJJay fir/f. Which was fulfilled, for afrer rhar h never rook away the Lives of any more of our Friends. So he fent rhem ro Prifon, where was '"ell near Thirry more, who fiood in rhe Capaciry. of Suffering wirh them alfo, for rhe Name of the Lord, jnro which Suffering jr was Crime enough ro be commirred, if any o~e being fpoktn ro, did bur own himfdf a ~aker, or co chdr Jndgmrnr did but fo appear~ wi[hmir having fpoken or done any Thing, bur coming wirhin your JurifdiClion: A mofi Bloody and Sa\'age Cruehy, hardly heard of in any Age or Generation, by People profeffir.g Godliuefs, much lefs, that as Our-calls (as you would reckon your felves to be, and with which 'Name your High-Priefi, John Norton, Baptized you in fome of his Sermons, which by your Order, fince his Death, are made publick) fled ro a Wildernefs, out of their own Land, for Liberty of Confcience, ro their own Country-men, yea, to their Neighbours and Inhabiranrs, who fuch People are, as in good Confcience, or for Confcience-fake, come in amongfi you : The Day will come, yea, already is, wherein Mert will be a, much athamed of your Cruelty, as you are pafi Shame in exercifing thereof, upon your - Neighbours and Country-men, for their Confcicnce to God. Oh ! the dreadful Account you have to give to him who is Judge of all for chefe Things, whofe Judgmem none can pafs. Oh ! the Shame of Men, that you mull pafs rhrough fO ( 4°7 ) to Pofierity,, whiHl Age and Gcnerarion is, of which I It is plai11, that a fad Ac·' this fhall be an everlafiing count they had and have) nO' doubt, to give) that remain, who Monument, a Line of Dark- had a Hand therein, and hii nefs and Blood, which fhaJI Judgments they have not paft, incircle your Name for e- hy their own Confeilions, nor ver and ever 1111 which fhal! cannot; and Lhe Shame of Men I { d M · J they have been, antl muft pafs o" an your emona through therefore to Pofl:erity Perifh (as W any thing as they have hitherto, becauf; that is Good) amongfi thereof, as appears by the judgMen, and you lbaiJ know, ment of moft Jerious conficlerate Th h 11 Perfons of moft Nations, that at t e Mo~, High role~ have writ of it, as before-hinted, among rhe Children of Men. and much more could I mention: Yea, their own Hiftorian, c. Mather, hath fh.am_ecl them for it, in that be will not, nor cannot,· as he pre~encls, Vtndt•ate all the s ~ veriti e s againft the Q!;lakers ; but fays, He u for~y that ever they were Pelf~·-uted ; and renders the Rulers as Mad by Oppreffion that attecl' it; fo it's plain, they are now afhamed of their Envy (in that refpett) at his People, as G. B. faid and the Shame they muft pafs through to Pofterity, hy C. M's own f.lift. 'Book II. p. I. c. 1. Book III. p. 38. c. 2. Book VII. p. 23. c. I. and p. wo. c. 1. m This is evident, that a Line of Darknefs and Blood hath ancl doth encompals them and their Names (which doth Rot and Perifh .. as to. any thing that's good, like former Perfecutors) both outwarcl and mward, as appears by the fad Eftate they have been in ever fince, not· only by the Tempefts, 'Blaftings, Witchery, Wars anct Blood, th~t h~ve followed them outwardly, and which I know no ~ountry hke m all refpefls; but alfo the darknefs of their Eftates Jnwardly, .always hating the Light of Cbrijt (and oppofing the Truth) becaufe thetr Deeds are Evil; and of which this is none of the Ieaft of the!~ Juc!g.ments, .that in the Darknefs ofthtir Minds, and Enmity of ~heir Spmts, agamft the Truth, they cannot fee the Hand that ~mites them, nor the Caufe or End wherefore it is. ~eing thus brought to the fight of their fuf~ fer~ng ft iends, through the fame Door of fuffermg, among rhem ; they were detained rill the Coun of Afilfianrs, where there was a great a-do abour them, as I have infianced before wha£ co do with them; fome were in the Ca~ pacity, |