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Show ( 444 ) {: the mofi i:avaae Cruelry ; bur from the Compa-fion of the Lb or d , h e was no t ' who wasf: ·n1 eahr him and fupporred him, who. never ~f~-ec thnfe, who pm thel. r T rllla~ ·n htm · nor rom 1. ' f fJ. 1 lhe Comp1Hion of Men ; .for tnfiead _o. a ng 1C= ing rhe Counrry with rhJs your horn~_Ie Cru.d ehy Tendernefs fprang in many ro nn,Can the 'TrUl h eo' l\dvancage, and the very onfiable of Ch~rles- To;;;n was foCompaffio~a~e, th~ h~ entertained h_lm in his Houfe all ~tgr:J, ah anoinred his Stnpes ; and fo the next ay e was conveyc.:d ro his Home. . Buc as for r:toh~ Endicot, your cruel and un- 1·E~tdtcot J . of bloody Battles fights no merciful Governour, no mm e ·d b more fought he wirh the People of tbe ~or '· UC as bloody if this were the Compkmenr of hts m1~erable Battles. T rage d y,, or the heiooh r of all thf aht ' wGhJ Ch he travelled with, during the Days o ts overn-menr which fhould confummate or comple~r his Wickednefs, or fill up the Meafure of Ius Iniquity, Rapine, Cruelty and Blood, ~nd rhat which fhould fum up all, the .End of hts Days, and rhe Meafure ot his lniquuy, he dyed ~or He ftinks long afler rhe Hand of the Lord {huck h1m alive, and off, he fiu~k alive, and his Name doth rot, and ~;~c- for his Works he knows his Reward from rbe count of Lord. [i J.Endicoc, Now becaufe rhe· Man was one who orinaLett~ r m"'rlY h'ad fome Tendernefs in him, who fo far w_.. ~r1o·\t·ee,r ·&'d de'"g enerated w. to Har d ne1r.s an d· C ·uelry as to I ' ue 1 to him in aive Senrence of Death upon p·I Ve 0 f [ l1 e Ser-h} s Life- ~ants of the Lord, Four of which were execut1. me, hy t d barely for their Confcience co God, and h.Js rome- O~ll,y for bei~a fuch as are called 0_uzkers, and t1mes o .f . .Q..· b fid h cruel Neigh- coming inro your Jur.I dJ~.:.LIOn; e ~ es t _e _ bo?r a~d. Whippit1gs and lmpnfonmenr.s, fellm~ f01 B~?nd Fnenct m • a d B~ol .. d-\i\'O:nen curcmg off Ears, flJ)cS, salem, 'f· men 11 ) · , and Srn it l,. ( 44~ ) and Burnings in the Body, which have filled the Conrenrs of rwo Treatifes hirherro, and whkh cannor be roo fufficienrly expre!fed ; which is the World's Wonder, and rhe AfionHhment of Men of any Ingenuiry and Tendernefs. I fhaH give fome little Accounr ro the World, of whar he was, as ro rhefe Things, in the Copy of a Letter, given into his Hand, during his Life-rime, 1n the Year 1660. from a Neighbour of his of Salem, upon the occafion of his Cruelty ro his faid 1:'\eighbour's Wife, who came ro be convinced of rhe Truth, by the Cruelry ro her, which is as followeth. 0 G~vernour, Governour, do not think that my TheCopy Love to my Wife i.r at alt abated, becaufe I fit of the Let~ Jlilt Silent, and do not feek. her releafment and fee- ter which J~m, which if I did, wot~ld not avail, it's like, be- ~~rvesfoJ caufc your CrueltJ doth fo much abound tmju{lly and i~~-fh~~t~ unrighteo'ufly to1vards her, as hath been feen all along; as at the firft, in taking her up fm· nothing, but be. i'»g in Company 1vith others, committing her to the Prifor~, where {he was wet from the Head to the Feet, with the extremity ofRain, keeping her. clofe Prifmur, 'JVet 114 fhe was, until Night ; a mojl cruel ACI, foe being but a fickly Woman fotmerly, that {tech a thing, it~ s tike, might have put an end to her Days ; which il that many wocdd have done 1'ow, it's like, as Jotb appear, (ince by your practifes towards her, increPjing .J?tlr Cruelties to a higher M,eajure, anrl then fending for her b~fore the Go l.i .. mour, and nothiHg ju{tly laid to her Charge, as Evil, ret committed to the Prifo, 11gain, '~here pu 1vas kept a Montl1 and odd Days., then ca/Jmg her before the Co(4rt ; up011 Examination of her, there being nothing juflly laid to her charge; yet to fulfil your Wills, it was dete,.mined, Thar fhe p:l~tl have Ten Stripes in che open l\1arker-piac-e; E e 3 it |