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Show ( 28 ) and bidding her [peak her Mind freely ;n wh~t flu had to fay; for tha.t w_hatfoever.Jhe faid, {he fhould not receive any PreJudzce.-Which, when fhe anfwered and had fpoken freely what fhe had to fay frot~ the Lord, and with Boldnefs, and they had rook it in Writing, I fhall find them reading ro her what they had written from her Mouth and the Paper which fhe had before given in;o rhe Hand of an EngliflJ- Merchant, as aforefaid, which from him f,hey had received, in which fhe had declared againll: them and rheir Idolatry, and ca.Jled them Babylon and Antichrift J and having demanded, wherher fhe owned rhe Things there wrirren and read unro her ? And fhe owning them very Boldly, i fha11 find them caufing her, and the Mafier of the Ship, and the Jefuir w wjthdraw ; which they doing, and being called in again, I fhall find them tendring to her a Paper w lign, ro this t:ffetl: (fc.)-not to come on Shoar again to that place., fir to Difcourfe ')}}ttb any of tbat Natim; which fhe refuting, or to promife any fuch rhing, rhey difmiffed her and rhe Maller ( afcer rhey had been there the fpace of rwo Hours) and rhe faid Grear Officers of Scare raking them into rhe Coach again, condueled them rb the River's fide, giving a Charge' o a Wafer-man ro convey them co rhe Ship aga111, . and defraying the Charge; w rhe Praife of their 1VIoderarion, and to your Confufion. Being rhus clear of rhefe orher pans of the World, fbaU I crofs the main again co America~ and in an unrrodden Path by any Englifh hither~ ro (as hath been heard of) feek our Dearb, and make my way fome Miles on foot from Virginia ro Nnv-England, through Uncouth Paffages, Vaft Wilderne!fes, Uninhabited Countries for near Two Hundred Mioles rogerher and there ·~ · hnifi ( ~9 ) finiih your Account? There I 1hall find ThomtU T.tbir]tone Thirf!one (one of rhofe whom you fo barba- J!. Cole, roufly ufed) and Jo(iah Cole of Winterburne, near ].Chapman Bri(lol, his Companion, a~d Thoma~ Chapman of Virginia, rraverfing the fa1d Ground from J:fary-land ro the Sufquehanoes ( rhe mofi W arltke of rhofe Indians) and receiving from rhem the moft Courreous Entertainment, nor only in Lodging and Provifions ( fu<;h as they had ) bur fome of them accompanying them, even to the Dutch Plantation ( clofe by you;) and fo render were they over them, as they nor onJy fought out Provifions, and kitled Deer, as they could come at ir for them, but fpared their own Provifions to :he faid Thomca Thirflone, when he was Sick on the Way. Afrer which, being come ro ~no-ther Nation of the Indians, and Thoma~ Thirftone being Sick among!l them many Days, an~ that near unto Death., I fhall find them very fnendly ro them all, ·and raking what Care they could of him in all things; and one of the Sufqueha-noe's ( whom the reft left behind ·them, when he lay fo long Sick) condutl:ed rhem to rhe Dutch Plantation, afrer ren Weeks rime from their firfi fening oul ; and fo came to you ro bear their Tefiimony again(! a fliff-necked People, as the Lord had faid tQ the faid Thoma~, when he lay fo weak, and defired Death, viz,.-1 who have brought thee hither by my mighty Arm, will carry thee thorou' to witne{s for Me againjf a fliff-necked People in New-England.-And fome of the Sufotuehano's came w vifit him* when they heard T.1hirftom: he was in Prifon afterwards in Virginia. Thus finithing your Account, which will be fore in the Day of the Lortl, which is even comi11g upon you, who 1vill cut ye off, and give ye your Portion with Hyp~c~ilfs and Sinners, and fi~eh 'vi/J be his Hand 11pon |