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Show ( 1So ) thee from the Wrath of the Lamb that fi(s Oi1 the Throne, when the Books mull be opened, and every one judged according to what is written therein, except thou Repmt of thy Deceit and Falfhood, tho' thou now feems to blefs thy felf in thy Revilings, as if thou hadll done well, rho' fo far from ir; fo that it was not Ibid wichotte Ground thou fay'fi, All Good Men will ~~ 1: P· 9• not be fati4jieJ with every thing that if her~ fet be. fore them; as indeed they have lirrle cau{e, thou having given fo much to the contrary, except they fwallow every thing by wholefale, as I have heard fay thy Elder Brother, Baxter, did what he read, thou having fo many Sour, 111-relifhed, Infipid Dilhes, and withall, fo ftuffd whh Railing and Reviling, that it muft needs difgufi: a good part of rhy Guell ; infomuch that I know not to whom w liken thee, except that Aj]yrianRailer, againft Jeruf(lllem, Rabjhekah, who feems to be in Railing Blafphemies a Type of thee, ra whom therefore I fhall return that of the Pro- ~~; l{." phet, 1 he Word of the LorJ concerning him, The Vwgin, the Daughter of Zion, hath defpifed tbee, and laughed thee to {corn ; the Daughter of 1erufalem batb"jlJaken her Head at thee. Whom haft th,ou Re• proacb' d and Blafpbem' d? And ~gainfl whom haft thou txalted thy Voice, and lifted up thine Eyes on high, even again{J the Holy One of Ifrael. · ~ut oh thou City of the Jiving God, of whorri .§1 11.10~0 Gloriom Tbitzgs are [poken, who an Beautiful f or of~~nl- Situation, the Joy of the whole EtJrtb; tho many fo1t to mi{fake thee, and difefteem thee, becaufe they t!)e ~f- know thee not; yet thy_ Name if Famot-~5, thou tp 01 Zion of the Lord, and 1erufalem, whom b~ bath <ltJ)UtC~ chofen., which is a City compaa: together, and at ~f ~~tl.~ U1zity wi[hin it felf, whether the Tribes go up for 'Jtldzmmf ; whofe F~m!~£i~~ is of prec~c;~ S~~; ( J8I ) 'Tho' thou haft many Enemies, that endeavour to mi(repre{ent thee, and co lar thee wafte · yer tho• haft a ftrong City, Salvation hath Goa' appointetl for Walls and Bulwarks. Fear thou not the Wrath of Man, neither be afr•id o( tkeir Revilings, for the. Lord, Strong 11nd Mtghty, IS tn the mid.ft of thee, to Ji.ght thy Battles, and Confound all thine Enemies,· tho Rabfhekah may Rail and Threaten and the Hofts of the Uncircumcifed, and Armies of ;he Aliem, may Compafs thee, thou Camp of the Saints ; they can but go round about thee, they cannot enter • nor nothing that -is Unclean or worketh ·Abomination" or loveth or maketb a Lye; and yet thy Gates {Jand always open by Day, and there is no Night there, for the Lamb is the Light of it ; and the Nations of them t?at are faved pJall walk in the fight of it ; and ·the Kmgs of the Earth firing their Glory and Honour into it. Oh ! how have I defired that I might be· found worthy to enttr through the Gates into thee, and that I might be an Inhabitant of thee ; ~here the Tree of Life grows, and the River of Life flows (the Streams whereof makes Glad the whole C~ty of (flJ) which they that overcome k11ve Right to, and have a Name within thy Walls, better than of Sons and Daughters. If I forget thee, oh Jerufa .. ~em! let my right HanJ forget her cunning, &~. if. I prefer thee not before my chief eft Joy. And I will always Pray, that Peace may be. within thy Walls, and ProfperitJ withitJ thy Palaces; that thy Walls may be continually Salvation, and thy Gates Praife ; and ·the Lor.d may Create Jerufalem a Rejoycing, anJ her People ~ Joy; and make thee more and more a Prsife in the Earth, an Eternal Exceflency, the Jaj of m11ny Generati()m, So be ic. Amen. |