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Show ( J62 ) rook the Money from them, to pay rhe !13d;~,; The k_in l: who raking the Cufiody of the~, ih~wed htn1- ner~ of c~·- h1mfelf more Hofpilt~blo:: (as d1d lhe refi of rhe /1Ti!J.11S ltl . f l . h 11 N M:zrry/-. Indians) and fupplttd them t"ee Y WH. a e- . Vhreyzr.l. cdftries, according w what rhe lndums ha?, during the [pace ot rhofe _rhree Days rhey fi~y d there, waitif"lg for a Ctllm Seafon) and rtfuf~d to rake any Confiderarion; he who had them m A S.tvory Cufiody, f.1ying,-That tbey were StrangerJ, and ~pcec.l~ of Jehovah taught him to Love Strangers.-( Learn .J.n lr~.lwr. of the Heathen, ye who .pre(end y~ur fdves Ch·illians) An Opponunuy pre[! nnng, fer rhem on Shc1ar, on the Main Land, where they were {oon fer upon, ar New-P timouth, by the Governour and Magifirares rhere, and feveral ~f They bv your Church-Members ; and after a long DI- 111''> lo.n- fpute were required ro be gone; yet they tmo'tc'1tclpk~·~lr t were ' lorh ro let rhem go; bu t r he next M om-out of P/I- ino- the Marfhal's Deoury came for them, and ,llnlltl\mcl br~ught them before Tboznca Soutbworth and 1ohn rett:rntng Alden (two Notorious Perfecurors) who ex,a-agam, mined them and required them to depart the :wrre re ap- ' ( b ·h-- 1l- Colony, telling them, They had a La~ ~t 'tl. would nor ihew it them, when they de!tred H, being Strangers) and fo Jet rhem go. Neverthelefs, the next Morning, a Confiable was ient co the Inn, where they Lodged, to keep them from going to Sandwich ( wherer.o they ~ere Bound, their Tefrimony there bemg receiVed by many with Gladnefs of Heart ; and unro which place they faid they. mu_it pafs, . ere they deparred the Country, H bemg requ_1rcd them of the Lord ) But the Confiable fe1zed them, as they were palling rhirher, and carried rhem fix Miles onwards to Rhode-Jjland, our of the Liberties of the faid Town, as he was required. Bur they Obeying the Lord, rather · than ( I6j ) than Man, foon returned ro Sanrlwicb, after he lefc them ; where the Priefis cried ro the Governour, Help, l-Iclp-who fent his Warranr, and caufed them ro be Apprehended in the Name of rhe ProteCl:or, as Extravagant Perfons, and V41gabonds (who are Frtemen) and brought them tq Pltmouth, where a * friendly *W. NewMan, for but demanding of rhe Deputy-Con- lanJ Fin'd ftable (who had them in Cufiody) a Copy of~~~~~:~: the Warra~r, was fined 2 o s. and the rw9 Pri- ing a Cofoners reqUir~d w dep4rr, and forced fo to do pyoftheir byf rlh1e DCep1ury-Mfi;rfh,~}:l whodb;-oughr them our ~~~~~a~~o t ar o uny 1cy 1n1 e, an 10 lefr them near pu t y c on- Rhocle-!flr.md, the 2d Day of the 7th Monrh,1657· fl:able,anct and this by Order of T. Prince, the Governour, lent the John Al{le'I'J, 1ofiah Winjlo2v and ThomtU South- f~concl worth, Magiflrares, Daterl tZt Plimouch, the 3 tft ~T~h~~t of Augull, 1r.57· ~ho afug,ned the Warrant, and Colony. caufed the Execwwn, tho they refufed ro fhew The 2d ~heir Law, to ,which they pretended, for fo do - of the 7th mg; and rho they alfo fdid, rhac they believed l\~onrh, thar they (viz. the Prifoners) did not know 1 s 7 " thac they had fuch a Law ; and Threatned them with their Lcnv for Vauaboruls (tbar is ro Cw ' Thr.~ath- Wh.t ppl·l 1g ) 1·t· 1 ° f'nCdlt t ey t ,, y came ~gJin. How exactly rLturn. thefe have learn J of you 1n the Beginning! and walkt.d after your Unrighreous Stt ps, the Rea-der may percen·e, by being 3S early in the Confiderduon of whar ye have done as in rhe Per-ufal of £his p:1rr of their Sutfc. rim!. ' The nexr is Humphrv lTorto~, who t".!red no L·r ... ~ort b l h (1. • .~, " on. etter ~ un r e r ·~ ; for he coming ro th :1 r Co- · lony, 10 rhe Drawmgs of che Lord, ro Vilir his Seed and ro fpeak at the Court, was apu1 e-hend d at S:mdwicb, b fmc £ 1c Courr (uc ·and ~ad ro Piimouth, and Lh re u .ined a Prifoncr pJJ he fent a Pap~r co the Cou1 r, when he faw : they |