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Show in which the new Wi11e is f•nd, and one fhal! fay, lfa. 6S • 8• Deftroy it not, for a Blej]ing 'is 'in it ; fo will the Lord do for his ·servants fii~CJ : And I can tell him of what hath been more venemous to them~ :Bwo?khof 'tii~. The Serpents, that he fays have been Biting 1tc es, 1 S . . h . P· 46• 48• ana tmgtng t em. . C. M. p. '-'-· c. ~. The beginning ~f thM upftar~ ~ua- Sefi ( and fo rhe Heathens called the 'Anciem Btt11 Chrifiians, and the Papifis the Prorefianrs, &c.) $ ift. btU !Jeen declared by one w~o wm a Pi/Jar of it-in the Year 1.6)9·-lt is now about fevm Years fince the Lord raifed rn up. .Anfw. And that Declara~ don is true, that is, as to the General, about 1 6;1.. AnJ the North of ~ngland (fay~ he) :w~ reckoned the place of its NativitT. An[w. It is ·rrue, the .Truth did break forth in the North of E11gland, as to irs prefenr Manifefiation; as the fame Aurhot" fays, That out of it did the· Branch jjprinu, WJ!. oBrk':;s , and the Day-Star arife, which gives Light to all thoe. :P· 66. Regions round about, viz. •in this laner Age, ac- ] 8 cording to the Prophecy of JeremiaH, That the Lord er. 23· ~ would bri11g up his Seed out oft he North-Country. C. M. Ibid. Nevertbelefs, I ctZn tell the Worltl, That the firft ~akers that ever were in the World, were certo~in Phanaticks here in our Town of Salem. Anfw. This is falfe, for t~ere were ~akers in He'b.12.2J the World, fuch as Mvfes, David, Jeremiah, E~ejfal. sS9S· kiel, Danid, Ha~akkuk, and others, as aforefaid1 ~e:~~~· 1 ;. who ~aked and Trembled at the \\ ... ord of 1he 18. Lord, before either they or their Town of Salem Din. 10. were named or known in the World; and this Hab-3-~~: he might have found in ·Scripture~ :much beu~r chan at the Delphian Oracle, that he makes a va111 Comparifon wirh, were he not more · ready ac his Heathen Stories, than Chrifiian or Scriptural; and, be fides, he fa1d, Book III. p. 7;. c. 1. Tha£; the ftrf! out-breaking of ~akerifm 11HI4 at Kerby- .· -~. · lh:ven ( 6t ) fieven in Wefimoreland; and now he fays, The firft WtH at Salem in New-England: So which Jhall we l;>elieve of him ( tho' neither true, as I have thewn before ? ) But he may remember accordi~g to the Old Proverb, 4 Lyar bad neeJ of a good Memory. · C.~· Ibid. They did, in the Year r6;7, find a 'Jvay mto New-England. Anfw.. Falfe again; They came firft to New-England in che Year 16;6. ~pm: fo chat here he is as falfe in his Chronology, as i B tQ he was before in M~ner of FaCt. Jbid , AnJ were N. E. (fays he) fo1' a while, unhappily fuccefsjut in feJ~- cz~g the .People, not only to attend unto the myflical Pifpen[ll!to14 of t~e Light within, as btJ'uing the 1vhole of Reltg1on contamed therein. Anfw. It is nut U n- ·happy or Seducing, co turn People from Dark-nefs to Light, ~s che ~ pofrle did, or for Peopie .to anen~ q.nro 1t; rho· thou an fo unhappy as to oppofe It, and !o blafphemous ro call it [educing, ro artend upto ~~ ; the attending w which is the gr~ate~ Happinefs chat People can artain to in .thts L1fe : Inafnn:rch as they that believe in it be- _come Children of it, and of God, as them that are led by the Spiri.t (which js Light) are ; and them John 11• rhat walk m tt, havr. Fello1pjhip with God, &c. as 36. ~~~that are [a7Jed mull do, tho' thou call'fi it a Rom.8.14. myjtic(ll Di(penf~tion, and is indeed a Myftery to tjohn 1·7· fhee, and all the World, who. hate the Light, and Rev. 2~~. lov,e J?a~~n;Js rathe~, beca!'fe tbetr Deeds are Evil; john3 . 1~ ye~ In It -ts ~ontaJned, In a fenfe, all Religion, Qet~g. the Ground and moving Caufe of all true .Rehgwn; an<J lherefore thy following words. put alfo to Opp.o[e the good Order both Civil anJ Sa .. cred, ereCfed in tbe Colony ; is falfe, and but words ~f.courfe, for rhey oppofed no good Ordet·, nor n• ·rh~ng that ~vas Civil or Sacred in tbr: Colony, b~l b qnly the v~m Cufio111s and Will-worfhips of Men, .. Y e~horung rhm1 ro turn from their Vanity, . !Yf lp 1 . ~~~ |