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Show c .s4 ) that dorh Opprefs ; bur I will make , thy Ofii .• cers Peace, and rhine Exaaers Rightcoufm{s, fairb rhe Lord. And as for rhee, 0 thou Town of Sand1vich, and my People in ir, who· have fuffered joyfully th~ Sp~iling of zrour qoods, and endured, as feewg lum who 1s Invifible ; and have manifdled i[, by your nor Rctttming agai·n, rhough you had many an Opporrnniry Grear and PrdTing, rhar you feek anorher Counrry, whofC: Builrler and Maker is Got!. Thus fairh rhe Lord,-Thou art a pleafant Smell to me, anrl a Clufter of Grapes that hanJ!. together on the Stern, in 'Jvhich is ·mJV Wine. Thou jlJalt not be broken, neither fhalt r!Mu be rooted up ; but Men jhall fay of thee, Deftroy it not, for there i4 a Bltjfing in u. And I 2vi!l Delight in thee to tlo tbe11 Good; I 2vill Build thee, I 1vilt Plant thee, I 'JYill ReJoyce over thee with Joy; J'ea, I 7vili joy o·oer thee with Shouting ; and mt'ne Arm jhaU be made b,m i,n the mitljf of thee, and I 'Jvill Recompence thy Sujfering.r, faith the Lortl ; and thou j1udt be a Cro'Jvn o( Glory in the Hanrl of the Lorrl, arul a · Roy~l Diadem in the Hand qf thy Gorl ; anrl thy Walls jhall be before me Night anrl Day, an~ I JZJi/l Watch over thee for Good, a1ul 'Jl tll Nourij!J tbee, and great jha!l be the Encreafe of thy l)cace : I 7vill Build thee, and thotl jlJa!t be Builded; I wilt Plant thee, and thou j!Jalt be Planted; I will cauje my Love to reft upon thee, and thou fhalt be mine, faith the LORD, the Mighty God of Jacob. Now, Now, as ro rh m' Names are-f ' l - • ll.t (~i" • The ;rh 1\1 h 1 - Oxen ( U rha h l ~ h£ J. ro\'\or-) ne H i~t, a1d 1 one B ll - The r:.rh! mh L6- • Fir ( C w (all lhe Carrie h ;o had) hi Houfe and L~nd ~ ----For nor Swearing &c. The tar- 44 oo o fhal, when he v.-em ro rake fome of rhe Carrie, pa!fed by him, ~u rod him not what he was going abour: So rhey have all, yet they turned him nor our of Doors, but left him one Cow, which was fo poor rhar ilie was ready ro dye; and this was all rhe Jefc him for: the Relief of himfelf and Family. Ralph AOen, rhe Elder, from R_:_ Ailer.~ . whom they wok !. 1• J. the Elde. ~ Two Kine, and one Sreer 1 2 oo oo One Mare, and one Cole 1 o oo oo One H01 fe, with~ Bridle & Saddle 9 1 o oo One Ox, and rwo Kine 14 10 oo More, cwo Oxen 1 2. oo oo Having not Convitled him per- ---- fonally, for he was aofent, yer G8 oo oo took from him, as aforefaid, for nor Swearing and . 1eerings; and for 4S' ' pre£ended w be in Arrears, the ~larfhal marktd one Ox and one Co'. , ard when they came co drive away the Ca de, tcok one Cow moic unmarked) giving no Acco:.mt wherefore rb:y took her: And the larfi,al fdid to him, 1 hut h~ ,.,ever would --. |