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Show "fo the Unprejudiced Reader: 1\tfalice ana Fury, and to fhew their wicked Z,s~l: That when the Lord v~(tted them, b~ fetttng loofe the Inhumane Indians, who l(t!l d, and took many of them Captives, an4 J?epopulated their Habitations; inflea'd of lookmg back at their own paft Bloody Rage on the .I~noce~t, they had not 4 Senfe of !heir Condttton, ltke the Heathen J(ing Adom~bezek, who for hts Cruelty to others, when orz/ertaken by the Hand of God, faid, ~~ ] ~abe bone, '(0 l)at~ <P50b } udg.r. 7• tequitellllle: But they were fo I.n~o~ng1ble, that on a time of pretended Humtltatton, an.d Enquiry into the Cauje of that judgment, dsd conclude one Reafon thereof was, That they had not fUll!' t9~o£etute'O an'O Jaooteb OU~ tl;Je Qluaket~. 0 the Stupendiotu a11d Grofs Darknefs of thofe Men! How unlike Chri.flians, r;ho are Commanded to Love Enemies? Or the Hlife Man's Text, Prov. 20. 28. Mercy and Truth preferve the King, and his !hronc is upholden by Mercy? But the Prtefls amrl Rulers of New-England had no other way to divert God's 1udgments, but the Reverfe to tho J>recepts of Morai and Divine Laws. Cotton Mather, in a late Book, caUed Mag~ nalia Chrifl:i Americana printed 1702. Treat .. ing of the R!!_ake~s, Bo~k 7· pag~ ~~· faith, ~' That injlead of Hangmg or K1lhog them_~ " he woutd· have advijed to have httd then' " Heads !haven: By which he would infinuate, that thofe, bir Country·Men lv!urd~e~, ~ere Mad~ H'hich fhews hu own Evtl Sptrtt, zn fo rrndrirJg thofo lnnpcept M~rt:;rs l!/ 'Jefiu.~ !J(4; · T 6 the lln prejudiced Reader'. But if they were Mad, svho but Mad and Bloody Maffachufets Priel.fs would put People to J?eath for being fo? Davtd thought tht llEftng of MadnejJ' a me·ans to he proteEfed 1 Sam.21 ' fi 1 13· rom tfle Danger of a Heathenifh /(jng; but CottQn Mather condemns no.t hu Per(ecuting ,Pre~eceffors for putti~g (uch to Death, only to pallta.te tke f:me ; gzves hiJ Judgment, that Shavtng thetr Heads might have been a better way to deal with them : Yet on the next fide, page 24. faith, If they had not been Mad, they had been worthy to dye. But as this is only intended as a Preface to the following Compendium of the many Barharous and lnbumttne Cruelties of the Priejls and Profejfors of New-Enoland · who while t he y ~;re do z.n g ;ro: me of the b worft' part ' of the Devzt s Drudgery, ( vtz. f0etCecution) had the Confidence to take or give to themfelves the Attributes of the Molt Refined Profeifors of the Chriftian Religion, or Church in the ,World, or foch like Titles of their Goodnefs. . R~ader, Be of wh4t Denomination of Chri. Jltanzty tho11 wilt, thou art dejired to read the foUowing Relations JVith Chrijlian Cttndour and an Impartial Mind; by whzch no doubt' hut ~hor1 will fee. thoje wh~ per(ec:~e and Ty~ ran.ntze over thetr Fellow-Lreatttres, (for tbeir Fatt~ and Ulay of Worfb.p to God) whatever Glo~zotu Pretence to Rebgton they make, how llnhke they are to true Chrijli4ns; who, in-· flead of Perfect~ting, \Verc Perfecuted; or the Blef!ed . |