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Show ( !00) much as ro the Exampk of England, in tl:eir Provifions againfi Jefuirs, and what you h a~c bulle thereupon : Now as ro chofe who fufter d by Venue of your Law. L.t:rorc:n.:~, And rhefe in the firfi place are Lawren.ce SouCtt. Jf.wdr.c, thick his Wife Cajfanrlra, and J o(iab then Son ~ and 'f_ofi.lh (. wh~m I have often mer.rioned, for your Cru-sourhJcJ:. l h t. N' b l Ph l d 1 fh s.Sh.J.rro,:k, ehy) StJmue S attoc.'l, tc o as e ps,. an · o ua N. Phelps. Buffum, all Inhabitanrs of Salem, agamfi whom, 'f· ~u~um, in no one Particular ~ad ye proceede~ acco~·dJ) an tfh'd, ing ro Law ,· bur, havmg rortured rh eu· Bod1c:s, 3ctMonth · 11 d d'fi ~ d h · 16 59 . ' and broken thetr Euates,. an 1 rae e, . t en· Families, afld ofren weaned them ( cho 1n the Lord rhey had Fell:). ye Ba.nilh' d them from A 11, even fi'om their Counrry ; r!1e very C0urr of EJeB:ion, in the Monrh, call'd May, following., giving rhem but a very little rim~ to .Deparr, on Pain of Dearh ; which put rhem ro much Srrairs and Hardtllips ; yet, go they muft, there's no fiay ; ye had now got your Law ro rid the Land of rhe111 (as }'e t houghr, bur were mill aken} or ro take the Live~ of them from the Land of rhe Living ; yourTugg was over, and ye had carried ir of them that Some of the Paffages of Pro.. flood fiiff. a while again!! ceeclings, in the Prpcnring and the Paffing of that law ; Paffing that Law of 8anin1ment but two came to enter their upon Pain of De~~h. Capt. Ed-w. zrd Hutchefon, Capt. 'JhomM Dilfents, viz. Capt. EdwarJ Clttrk, a Merchant of Bofton, en- Hutchefcn, and Capt. Thoma1 ter th~ir Diffents un~er the Law Clark ( whofe Names l of Ba~l;jhmem upon Pam of Dea~b· mention, ro remain upon Record, as a good Savour to the Lord, and his People, through all Generations, which ihall wirnefs for them ) indeed there was a great a-do, and hard Work ir cofr ye ro gee it about ; J ohn Norton, and rhe rell: of your Priefrs, being not able w Convict che Per-fons, ( 101 ) fons afortlfaid, eirher by Law, or otherwifc:, or by enfnar·i~g ~eftions, to bring them under the Law, Peririoned rhe 1\Iagill:rares the next Day ro fet forward the Court to make fome Law to Banijh them upon Pain of Death (fee, the Spring and Fountain of ihis Work of Darknefs, the Priell:hood it was, this bloody Law firfi moved in ) and they prefcribed Paniculars, as 1\-Lnrer upon which ro proceed; and m.uch fhug- 11ing there was, on the one hand, w get ·it, on the ocher, to oppofe ir. The Courr of Depuries could by The Court of Deputies op· 1110 means be brought ro .pofite to the Paffing pf the Law. Confent rherem~ro. The Priefis and Rulers were all for Blood, and they purfued it, and the Courr of The Court of Magiftrates for it ; of there Two, as of Two Houfes , is the Cour.t-Gt:neral 1;1acle pp. l\·1agifirares Vored it wirh- Prov!Gon in the Law as to our Trya-l of a 1urr, and in Death without Trial of a Jury. exprefs words, to be put in Execution by a Count}- The Court of Dc-p,nties o.P" l pore it. Court, w 1ich Three Magi- !trates made up; the MaThe Priefts ret it on. JOrity of which might hang ar P~eafure, wirhour a Jury (a Thing not heard of m thefe Dominions.) This the Deputies wich.ftood, and ir could .not pafs, and rhe Op-p.:> finon grew fi rong, for .rhe Thing came near : Deacon Wo'ZJel was a Man much afte&ecl there~ with; and being 110[ well ar that .. rime rhar he fuppofed rhe Vore ·might pafs, -h~ earneftly ~.:fired the Speaker, and fome of che oc-her D~puues, ro fend for him,when it was tO be, left by his J:'bfccnce ir might mifcarry ; The Depur:ics that were ag:1infl: cbe Pafling of that Law, £hinl i.ng lhemfe!ve.s firong enough w caft ir our, forbore co .~~ nd for b1m. Tt. e TQing came ro ir, and che \lore 9 ' w.~~ |