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Show ( 22 ) F.Horog ilt T¥. Bren,J a~rl W. Led~ra coming .to Sale,.,;&~c~ Pop~fh fi1q· were crappan d by a Pnell at Newbu.ry, and fem inN. E· . by Capr.' Garep; back w Salem, and had before P· 2 9, 3o. rhe Coun, who fenr rhem co the Ho~fe of. ~ts~~' Correcti?n~ a'nd. fro 'n1 rhenc~ wirh Six m~xe to Month~ Bofton .Pnfon, rhe .Taylor rakmg them up mto a 1618·~ high Room and llopp'd it fo clofe, that he lefc no hole fo; Air, and fiopp'd Food and all Necdfarie~ fr.om them, exc~pr . they would W~rk, and. take his F~od foi· ir ;. fq: kept thc;m withour an}~, five Days ;, and op the. _2d D~y .of rhe Week~ c~lled them .d-own ro be whtpp d, whic;h he Jaid . on them with as much Fury .a? d. Violence as ever!){! could, twenty Blows, wnh a rhre~-firinged Whip, wich knots at the end ; and after cold tl)em, That they w.ere ~lear accordo ing. to Law, and might go, if they ,vould pay _the Marp;al to go ·JtJith therp out of the Colony; wh1ch. they could !:JOt dn, b~ing fo j.lnr.eafonable, to pay a Man for Banithing of them : , Then he, demanded, }Vhether theJ wot!l4 Work? . Whicl~ they refufed ar his WHI :. Then he t~~earne~ what he wauld do ; and the ne~r Day_ cam~ wich Irons, and pur, on each Thigh of .W. B~ and another about his Neck, and loc~·e4 them together, fo near, rhat rhere was but juft ro~m for the Horfe. lock. betwe~n, and fo kept hun fixreen Hours bow'd cogerher, and n~xt',Morn, ing had him down to the Mill, abd bid him go to Work, and· wok a Rope abot.lt an Inch thick, ~l'nd laid upon him as ha,rd as he could, abou~ twemy Blows at leafi, rill his Rope untwifled, fo rhar his Back and Armes were f welled ; then going up inw the Room where they were lock'd, the Jaylor brought a bigger Rope, and· haled him down again, faying, He .'!'oul~ m~ke. him bow to the Law of the Country ; and b1d hun \Vork; \Vork, and began ro Jay on agair1, v/i(h f j.;; Rope, .on hi~ Bark, 1f/i!limn !I av i n~-; 'ltdr a ce:n~re Caffock on his Shirr, b ing iprhc HcJ.r of SliD mer, bur he had no Comp:1fTion , 1lll \i 'i£ h Vio~ ence laid fourfcore and f~vrnr e ,,., kl J s more qn him, as hard as he could lJ,. tl.cm c n; and if his Srrength and R0p ~ h~d ~ lot (;lll ·-d would have laid . on m.ore, th reJrni g ro give ' im as many more nexr Morning, and fo luck'd him up; fo that being weakntd for want of Ajr, . . . and DiN, and lying fo many HQurs in Irons, and ~·E. En~ recet•v •m g r · r_· ftf!.n p 82 10 many Blow~, ne la}' dqwn on the &c:' · ' Boards, and foon founded away, and grew Cold J'opi(h In~~ d Stiff, w!rhour Seeing. feeling and He~ring, quifition~ .hts Fleih bemg beat Jike a jelly; and yet J. N or- P· 1 S, C!;c; ton would not lee the Jay lor be quefiioned for it; but rhe Power of the Lord raifed him again and healed him. ' Were thefe Good Men ? Or rhofe, that o~ rhe coming o_f C. flolder, J. Rcuje and J· Copeland to ~ofton agam,fatd,That they jJJOulti be fure to have their Ears cut off? And John Endicot char faid, He lool!td 11pon it to be 11 great Judgment of Gqd t to t Ha vc them, .tbllt they were fuffered Jo often tp come amongp you not . them ; and that Jure enough they ditl feek to epfnat·e had grcat· them : Or Major Deni{on, char faid, It liJtu not fit er fi.ilce to c•lt tbt Gove~no;rsr by bis Name; rh ar J k'd ]ohn Rou[t, Wh~t . Jud;;ment ~(God he look'(l ,f[,r-Ex-cept he look J for a Halter, tn· to be flrtcken 'JJ'Jith (I Thunderbolt ? That faid , lt i.i the Sentence of the Court, ThQt you three jh(llt have your right Em·s wt tv b! tbe Hangma~: And acco.:dmgly, tho' rhey _cvetaJly made th<:~l~ App{:al() .<) E11gl.zntl againlt nh, fePn c· rr hem cI.o Pnlon, a·nd { n. r rh · Ma1 fh .1 l ro s t ~rt. Ius·' r e raon; w 10, when rhey had let in whom t,h_e.J: w~uld, lock'd the Duor and would nor ler lA one Prica~d ; to em off their Kus in pri- K k farep· |