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Show ( 21 ). that he v~as not fct ar Liberty, I thall find him fehding an_orher Len r lO the D!'lke of Millerai, to fee it effetl:ed; and [h <H .upon H, he was free, he being (as it were ) become bur ~s the Shadow of a Man, thorough the Hardtbip of his Sufferings. .L\t Rocbel l lhall find the Judge of ~ Chri_{top. the Criminals working the Libeny of.* an or her, Brickbetzd. after he had been Examined by the Bithop, and continued a pretty fpace of rime againft the Judge of the Civils, and difcharging him, tho' he both fpoke and wrore againft the Popifh Re- *:f.Perrot, ligion.. At Leghorn in Tufcany * John Perrot, a)1d :f· Lo7.!e. his Comparsion John Love, being had to the b'quifition ( mherwife called The Pope"s Holy Office) and Examined there by rhree Friars, I ihall ~here find, rhar upon John Perrot's giving an account . of his Call and Service, and of the Books that he had ftnt ro rhe Governour (one of which was w the Gretlt 71n·k, which he had wrote in rhar pface, and another ro the 'Jew.s) and of what they had funher ro f&y ro th< m, that they fet them ac Libeny, and difcovered w them a Plor rhar fome Englifh had co Murder rh m; and bad them beware of their Country- Men: That the Governour of that City not only received willingly feveral Books and Papers, which they fem him by an Ancient Merchant there (one Origine ) who was very frkndly, bm expreffed much render n:gard of their Safery, faying, -That he would '1'/0t have them come to tmy Hm t in that Land--And making no quefiion at rheir Gefture, nor finding any diOike at their nor being conformable ro their C~ftoms when tht:y were brought before rhem; and that the EngLt(b Agenc there was very friend· ly ro them, and ofr- rimes became himfelf Inter· prerer in the Difpures between them and the 1rws, ( 22) Jews; at whofe Synagogues h there reafoned ·wirh them . t ey were, and Chamber, from the S na ' whom, ro their Jews followed where iher~ogue, fome of the Convinced, add fome Confc were orne of them I n1all alfo find feveral of thound~~fc Ar ~Venice* 'fohn Reafoning on the Exchange e~nd l ~~v~rfing and ~~~:love Encercourfe and Fr,..edom . ' h ng much St~.muet ' ' tn t at Cit ( h · none were Imprifoned) d h. . Y w ere Fijhu, all forts 1 d . an r 1" wuh Men of John Perrot fip~ak:ws ahn .Pap'f!s; and I fhall lind l tJb,. Stubbs, . mgt ere wuh rhc 0 k ·f · . . Mzry his Palace, and delivering to him u{;. o Vemce IP FijiJer, and fo deparring, wirh his f .· deveral Papers, M~IJ from thence to R b . ~ tten ' ]ohn Love, Prrnc~. the Englifh Ambaffa:i~r t~~g en_r fr~m _Smirna by \~ho would nor futfer thtmw~re dtvets Ol'hers) tmople fi·om thence wh. h o pafs co Conjlan-of the Lord, for fe;r of~~ ego they were moved I nlall find fome of th , e r~at Turk. A r Rome d J ~n ohn StuHs t'O havee mb, VIZ, .h * S amttel rD!J;•flJ~ er *s . Fi.fl ,er, ,D<IYS; others of them . e1en r ere for cerrain :f. Stu.bhj, Lrve to be lmpri£one·d' ~~z..d ohn Perrot and John ~· LPerrut, c:r. 1 , an one of th . J • ove. .i otm Love, co be Dead ther . em, ·Vlz.. wdl-enrreated, as a Prifon . e, and t.he mher we have lately by L et, of whofe welfare Hand, underfto~d. Alletteh~ hunder his own upon you. w IC pafs Semet)Ce Shall I rake upon m 1 F,..ome to Conjfaminople t~o~ ~ng Journey, from and through the o·ffi I . r e Pope to the Turk 'John i'~: caking? Shall I Tra~e~fcl ties qf fuch an Under~ rot, J olm 'of rhe Turk's Dom· . e the Morea, or chat part La-.. • fj . · IoiOn which · 11 d 10m Patra (on rh S fh 15 e ea- oar w ca ·de Greece ' to Veftreetjbau' and ct·om h Wai s Zarmt ) d A an thens (' wh .r j c ence to c orm· ti,J, Eneca crofs the rreller:.p· tere Paul preached ? ) Shall I rz, II on ro A(J'ri . . grop~int, and fo ro S . c. pdpa, m the Wand Ne- ' . . . .~ ctoB, a~n the orher Iiles ' ro ~ Smima |