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Show 1{; l(jrby, ~ nd his Son, l{i- ( 190) (O molell them) rho• known to be of that (ownlhip; and then prefeming them for Meeting, and Executing the fine~ on them for Meet· idg, and far more than her~ ts room to expre(9 i Imprifoning rhem, and hahng them to Prifons, and Whipping of them, and Searching of their Houfes by Day an<) by Night; and when they :are fonh, prying inw their Houfes, ~ fee what they have there; and lteaJing away that which he thould nor. A Whoremonger, that abufed an Indian. Woman (on whom the Terrors of God fell, bur he gor off them, and fo is hard. 11ed ro the ·purpofe ) ~ Lyar, a Falfe-fwearer, ·a Man of a feared Confcience, whhour Remorfe' a Member of their Church, a fir Perfon w Hun~ ~nd Vex the Servants of the Lord (which he ufed before he was chofen co that Office, and fo was approved before they rook him in) and Sa~ nuel Najh, the Country Marfhal, and Richard Cadwel his Aflifianr, rook ~ Horfe. that was none of Ed111ard Perry's, forceably away, for Ed'Ward's 1 rine ; which Horfe Edward had co carry a Bag of Corn co one whom he Owed ir; which the faid Najh finding ac the Door, forceably took it away, as torefaid, and one Edward Fifh affified him ; and this he did, tho' Edw11-rd ferry ofren told him, lhat the Horfe was none of hiso Richard J(irby, and his Son, Richard, from whom was taken·-- · · !. s. d. rhJrd, the about her Neck, as the lead- Eight Kine (one having a Bell~ 14th of the 7th ing Cow for the reft of the 47 00 00 Month, Cattle)- rwo Oxen, one Calf ~ 6) 9• Two Steers, three Bulhels of Corn 7 11 00 One Steer and a Calf ~ O=> 00 57 Alfo the Marlhal feized all his Corn, and faid, If he would Threlb it out for him the Week following, he would leave him enough to pay his Renr, and fome to Ear. After which he .rook away rhe three Bulhels of Whear, as aforefaid; and all this for not Swearing (being fined Court afrer Court ) and for Meetings, and refufing to go with the Marthal, to affift him in the fearch for Friends, for which Richard the Younger was fined 20 s. (a moft unreafonable Thing, and betokening the ~ight of Devililb Wickednefs ) but as for the lact Cow and Calf, they know not wherefore he rook them away; for he had faid before, That he had feized on ai much as would fatisfic the Fine. George Allin, from whom they took,--- l. J. J. One Cow, three Heifers II 10 00 Two Oxen, and two Calves '4 5 oo For refuting tO Swear, &c. rho' he had told 'rhem, he had taken 'l.5 I) 00 r~e Oath in England, &c. G. Allin. William Allin, who was rob- rv. Allin. bed of--- l. s. J. Four Kine, one Steer, a Heifer 20 00 00 Two Oxen, five ~ine,two Calves 38 10 0(:) One Mare,a Horfe, in which he} was half Owner 1 9 10 00 About eight Buihels of Corn,! I 7 00 and ~ Hogthead Three young Carde, valued at 6 oo 00 Corn taken away,efieemed worth 1 10 00 ---- His Fines were Forty Pounds 86 '7 00 for h~ving Twenty Meetings of M+ the |