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Show t lj~ j l_eet~- . _Bu_t I perceive, tha~ as it is in Old En_gland, fo. tution 1t ts tn New, that fince the wrath of the Devil is ceafing, p~evemed, from Raging in t)erfecution, as iu ~tP!Ott~ ttmes paft, and the hand of his Infrruments boupd t~tG a- up, thac they canriot aCt: that way now, ( thro' 'tfe. , the Moderation of the Government, wherein ira. 49•23 • Kinrts have been ru Nurfi~g Fathers, and Q.f!eens as Nurfing Mother.r; f<?r which I_hope they have not nor will not go without their Reward, but that the bleffing of Heaven, hath and will be upou them) I fay tlncc he cannot wreJk his Enmity that way, he is Endeavouring to ftir up his· Agents~ to Reproach the Truth, and Malign its faithful Followers, by Tongue and Pen, all he can, to' l1inder the Progrefs of it. but 1 hope and truft in the Lord, his Mifchievous Ddigns will return upon his own Head, and be prevented in that, as well as in the former; and what Engine will he lnveat next, when he fees this alfo prove~ indfeB:ual, and that the Truth notwith(l:anding; profpers; as I doubt not putic will, to the laying waUe the Kingdom of ~in, and Gather many to' the Knowledge o(the Truth, that they inay be Saved. And tor his Two o·r Three StorieS more he tell; of one Denh~tm, with two Women, iUI belonging t(J Cafe's Crew; and of a-piece with it; So that it i~· not worth ~y while to ~defe11;d into them, being all Anfwered, atid Confuted w~ch the. fomer; as to any thing in Relatio,n to us, by G. Keith~· as aforefaid, in Anfwer to· Inc. Mtther; which; . feeing C. Jfathe-1' .harh . the Impudence to Rehearfe., and rnake ft1ch a do about it, I lliall Re-; hearfe fo.me of the faid Anfwer, that the Reader· rna y fee what· he gets hy if. . . . 4 The faid Inc. Jl1ather., ill the eleventh Cl~apter. ' of his Book, cal1ed, An Ejfay, &c. relateth a. ' ldng Story of three mad rluaktrs, call~d, Thomas ·' ~c;£f''s ' ' C Afe1s Ctew, one ofthem being a Man tailed . ' Denham, and two Women, who wenti: down to Pres b •. ant~ ' South-hold, and they met with Samuel Br:mks of ~d. :~~b. : Fair-fi.eld, the molt blafphemous ~illain, as they ih 1";)..cE~s call htm, thatt ever was known tn thefe parts firft Edit~ 'and fome other Inhabitants of that Town ~ p. 216. 2~ ' L_ong_-ljland, w.her~ th~y fell a Dancing and P· 214&<;" ' Stngmg after their Dtabolical manner · and 'how ai that time they profelyted one, 'called ' Tho~~as Harris ( belonging tQ&. Bafton) to be of ' thetr way, and how after fome fhort time the : fa!d Harris was fo.und dead by the Sea~fide, . With ·three Holes like Stabs in his Throat and· '.no Tongue in his Head. And two other s:ories ' he fi1bjoyneth, concerning thefe of the fame 'Crew:, or Company, called the Singing and ' D~tncmg Qu~tker s ; the laft hath in it a Relation : how tl)e faid Jonatba~ D~nham (alias Singleterry) and one Mary Roffi, did many frantick and· ' Diabolical Tricks; and among others that he ' facrificed a Dog at Plymouth Colony 'in New .. ' England. And all thefe Stories he doth relate1 ' on purpofe to abufe that honeft and fober : P~op1.e, called. f!!!akers, without making any d.l-fbnchoJ, nor gtvmg the leaft Information to the 'World, how that the Body ofPeople called· '~ake~s, do not in the leaft own thefe ungodly 'and Wicked People, mentioned by him called· :Thomas Cafe's Crew, nor any others of that fort, . but have all along declared againft them and : 1he~ed ~h.e greateft difiike and abhorren~y of , the~r Sptnt and wa:y.s, th~t. is poffible, and all , tl~e1~ mad and frantick Tncks and· Freaks of , S~ngtng and Dancing, or JlllY others of all.' , kmds: And the People called Q.;eakers have ' fuffered more Abufes and Infolencies by that ~· ungodly and wick7~ Crew of Thomas Cafe, and. . otl~ers· of that Sptnt, than any other Peaple ur |