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Show ( 88 ) • . Ibid. They Jid neullefly pull r~pon them{elves a Pen- ·([ fit geance, from which the AHthority would gladly have ID.engt~ releafed them if ther would have acceptetl a Relea{e. ance on An[w. This, is faife, as appears be_fore. by th~ir tbetn- \Vricings, how they defir~d thetr Ltves wuh d\leSl. the Liberty of their Confctences, and warned them not to put them to Death ; but .all would nor do refolved they were for thetr Blood : So rhat 'rhey pull· d it no more upon themfelyes, than the Prophets, Apoftles and Marr~rs dtd ; and the Papifis might as well have fatd . fo of them, as this envious Adverfary of our Fnends; and they would gladly have a~cept~d a R~Ieafe, if they could have been clear m then· Tdhmony in the fight of God, tho' other wife_ thq lo1Jed n~t Rev.1 2.1i. their ·Lives to the Deoth, bur gave _It up. for hta fake that dyed for them ;. and rhetr Bodtes t~ be Heb.n.3 S· tortured not accepting Delzverance, that they m1gbt obtain ~ better Refurrection. So that 'twas their Perfecurors that maliciouOy murthered them, and would nor rdeafe them, and thereby pull'd Vengeance on themfelves, which they. would now, I believe, gladly .be rele~fed ~f, 1f they could without Confdhng thetr Gutlt, and ta· king Shame to themfelves. But (fays he) it is alfo true, that they were MaJ~men, a fort of Lun~ticks, Dtemo11iacks, and Energumens. But that IS al~ falfe · and I Challenge him once more to fhew whe;ein, by a lY Attion or B~haviou~ of theirs that did betoken any fuch Thmg, whtch, tho' he often moft unjuftly accufes them of, he hath not infianced the leaft Shadow of Provf of it and therefore I charge it as a vile Slander on his Head; and alfo his faying, That he was a wi(e ( tho' far from) a good Counfeltor (fay I) - ,vbo propou7JdeJ, tbat a Law might be made tor the f<!!t~k.r:rs to hll't'e their Ueads flu~ved ;. and ~1s Pu· niJhmenr, t ( 89 j nijl,me1?t, to let 'em Bloorl too; he may j ufiiy app1y w thetr own Rulers, whom he reprefenrs a!:l Mad, and that they were nor Wife Men that were betrayed by_rhat Spirit ?f Oppre.~dn into _rh1s Mad~ efs ; nenher ts he m followtng them, in revi..: hng and abufing them as he does, to cover rhe Guilt of their Sufferings. And f?r the Declara~i.on of the General-Court--at '([f ;. : ~ollon, m 1659· pzsbltJ1led for the {ati4fa8ion of the SD !J~tt People;. a g.reat part of which ( he confeffes ) ·were tatt:-. much Jij]atMjied ~t what had been done, Which he n, fets down. It ts an~ we red at large, by G. Bi.fh.op, in the ,B_ook aforefatd, and the invalidity there-of fuffictently fhewn, as it related ro the feveral Heads of Sufferings therein mentioned and re-la~ ed ;_ an? which, had he been an Imparciai ~tftonan, as he pretends, l1e ought co have fia ~ nt~ed alfo, as well as .reprinted it again in the Vmdicarion of it, tho' he pretends he won'r nor can.'r vindicate ic ; and I ~ay fay of ir, a;· O~bo~n dtd of K.1ames r~e firft's ~ecl~tation for ~emof,·.fof C~tti~~ off the Head of St: W~ltef· Ralergh, finding K. ] ames; hzm pzt:ed .C fO ufe the Htllonans own words ) 1!· 2 0 " . He., accordmg to tke M~de of weuk and il/~confultetl. Prm:es, fet forth, m Prmt, a Declaration, ,vhtch, ac-cordmg t~ !he ufual {uccefs of ftich Apologies, rendrul tbe. ~ondttzon of that proteeding worje in the liVorld's Opmzon ; and fo do theirs. And yer rho' he pre-tends, he won't, nor can't vindicate ir he fiill ~e;s to commend their Zeal, and calls them 1i o '1. Men who then govern' d them : Bur I have ~~ctently lhewn before, how far rhey were from 0 Jy or Good Men, and fhaiJ again anon. . ~nd. as to .any QI!akers, whom he calls Wretcbei, . crdz~arzly fayzng among the People, We deny thyChri{f sfan.: ~e . . eny thy God, 'Jvhicb thou ca!l'ft Fatber; Son tJnd bet~. ,PZnt : Thy Bibfe is the Word of the De'rlil. Both tnefe Charges we unerly deny, as falfe in Pact., Q 0 2. 3lbd |