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Show ( 40) france) but cut he mull: go ; and when he was deparred inro Plimouth-Patent Jurifdiction, which was the next adjacenr, the Governour thereof ( one Brarlford, fince dead) to help on the matter, hearing of his coming (for after your Pipe danced that Planrarion, as will appear by and by in the Cruelries rhar Enfue, which they inflicted on rhe Innocent ) ilfued forth a Warr2nt, That none of Sandwirch (wh~reunro he was come) Jhotlld Entertain the poor Man; which not availing (for rheir Hearts were more render than co cafi him om ( fuch an Aged l\1an) in rime of Winter, he fenr for him co Plimouth by a Special Warrant, which was Twenty Miles di~ fianr; but he not being able w go, and writing -~0 him, That ~f he perifhed, his Blood ~vould be required at his Hands; through rh~ Moderation of fome of the [rhen] Magifiratci, he was permitred to fiay rill rhe Spring ; but then was he banilhed thence, who rhere had done nothing, but came imo their J urifdiClion for a little the Iter in the \Vinrer-Seafon) co Rhode-Jjland; and this fo earnefily prell in the early rime of the Year, thar he was like ro have been call away in his going thirher. A piece of Cruelty able tofofren a Heart of Flint, and draw it into Tears ar theSenfe thereof, and which drew fuch Compaffion from a Sagamore (or Indian-Prince) that he told rhe Old Man, If he u;ould live 'vith him, be would make him r~ 'JJJarm Hot~/e, calling him Friend; and funher he faid,-What a God have the Engli!h, 7vho deals j'o ·with one another, about • the Worjl1 ip oftheirGod?---Or words to that pura pofe. But from you ir drew ~o Relemings; but the Spirit of Iniquiry having g<n over you, ir hardened ye ~he more, by how much the more you . were Exercifed therein; yea, upon ' · · · · this ( 41 ) this very Old Man, as in irs place I fball !hew, and by and by make manifell. Even the SeaMonfters draw forth their Br·ea(is, and give Suck to their Toung ; but the Daughter of my People is become Cruel, like the Of/rich in the Wildernefs. Thus entred (as I have faid) this Scene of Blood, and whar follows anfwers unto ir. 1 For, the Eight aforefaid, viz... Cbrijlophcr Hol- ;,· f,~~-er, Jer, Thom/14 Thir(ione, 1ohn Copeland, William Brend,ftone, J. Mary Prince, Dorothy Waugh, Sarah Gibbens, and Copdand, Mary Weatherhead, who were Com mined before w. ~;:nd, this Law was made, and kept clofe Prifoners for ~~:Va:;t: lhe fpace of abom Eleven Weeks, the very day M. Weathat NicboltU was cafi into Prifon (as aforefaid) therhe~d, were they by Vertue of this Law conveyed on ~.Pr.~c~, Board a Ship, the Ship they came in, and fent ~. VPJ''a • for England, and Nichola-s came into their Room : Which Prifon ye have fupplied with the Bodies of the Saints, and Servants of Jefus, for the moll part ever fince; fcarce one taken our, but fame one or other put into his Room; of which in irs place. Bur how came NichB1114 Upfl1all ro be concerned in a Law for Stranttrs, who was an lnhabite~ nt? In a Law for ~akers ( fo called) who was a Member of your Church ? In a Law for Mafiers of Ships who fhall bring inro your Jurifdietion any People that are called fuch, and for any fuch People who themfelves fhall come inro your JurifdiCtion; whenas he is neither Maller of a Ship, nor brought in any fuch, nor came itl, bur is an Inhabiranr, a Freeman of Boflon? How comes he to Suffer, and to have inflicted upon him a Punilhmem [above] the Penalry of the Law ? How came thofe Eight to be fenr away the Day af[er the Publication of a Law, and by Venue thereof, who were imprifoned before the Law was made ? Thefe rhings ' would |