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Show ( 10 ) .of tbofe Laws ( a Tyrannical Reply ) when rhey defired ir, that they might know ory what Ground they went ; to the grieving of rhe People rhen prefenr, who faid openly in rhe Court,-Ho1v Jhall they know then, whe1J they Tranfgrefs ?-And did he not manifdl it yer fun her, when (being at Salem, when Ann Au4 jl_in and Mary Fifher were dealt wirhal, as aforefaid, againfi: whom there was no Law) he faid, -If he had been there (viz.. ar Bojfon, when they were fo mifufed) he would have had them 1vell Whipp' d? And afrer all rhefe Cenfures, Punifh. mencs, and Tyrannical Proceedings (which were more [han an [only] fecuring them, in Order to be fenr away the firft Opportunity) Did ye nor Condemn them ro Banifhmenr from that pare of rheir Counrry unto which they have a Natural Right, and fi1me of them a Municipal, having ferved an Apprenrifhip rherein, who had brokeJl no Law, and fo were, by rhe Judgment of the Law, Perfons Innocent? And after ye had fo ordered their Cau{}efs Banifhment, Did ye nor Authorize Michelfon, your Marfhal-General, ro Leavy upon rhe Goods of fome of them a cenain Sum of Mof}ey, a!'Jd 4eliver ir ro the Jay lor for his Fees, from rhofe 'whom you had to Unjufi:Iy Imprifoned, who had no mher Goods rhan their wearing Apparel, a11d the Beds they lay on, which they brought' our of the Ships? Yea, · did nor your Jay lor ra~{e away rhe Beds they lay on (than which they had noother w cafe them on in their Paifage ro England) for his Fees? And, did he nor l\eep rhem after rhofe people were fenr 9n Board, rill Capr. Oliver, and fome of the Counrry, being afham'd of a Cru· elry fo manifefrly contrary to rhe Countries fiand· ing Law ( whid. is, nol to take a'Jvay the mtbtr . 4'1'1i~. ( II ) . !lliljlone, &c. ) gathering Mone (elves (unknown to thofe p r )amo!'g _rhern: . mand ? And, did e no eop e pald hJs De-rhis Cruelry of Banf/bmen~ e:cecure. upon rhern England? For which you a, m fendmg rhem ro your other Lmvs and p re. to Anfwer, and all La7JJJ of England : Yea roceeJmglJ Repz1gn4nt to the R . h , not on y unro th b co tc ard Smith (an I h b' em, ur who came in rhe Ship :~hu~nt of Long-If/and,./?,:_ Smith. ye called their Profelyre) d'd lem, and whom fonablenefs ex rend bee fc l h not your U nrea-felyte, as ye faid ; H du e e was their Pro fore yo~r Gener;l.Co~rc ~e . not him up. be-y~ no~ htm ro Prifon alfo ~ An:~~ commuted ram htm rhere abouc h . 1 ye nor de-and Children? Andr ~~:nWbeks from his Wife Jay lor, he wenr ro your M, .Y leave from rhe o~ cqe Week, and afrer ~~~ung_ on a firfi Day fatd,-It ,PaJ th ~ . Pnell had done h: {hoffld have Difco:rfea;~;~ 1 the Govemour, tha; nifttrs, to Convict him f h. ;me of the Godly MiD_ eluded ; and th.lt if t~erets rrror, and th~Jt he 'JJJtU niflers, that could lo C . rz whe~e any fuch Godly Mi-h h J' onvz"" zm h ear w at they could (a -.-o· , e WaJ ready to nour hereupon decla~~ Th1d n?r your GoverJbou! d be private ? (a fo;r at hM Intent 7vm, it Jead a firagling She . y Shepherd thar cannot be) right way, befo~~ r1I~~~:~e fprecended .fo ro w?en rbe faid Rich~,rd delired ~ r~e Flock) And wtfe, Were ye nor En d 1~ mtghr be orher-noc him away to th~g; ·fit hml? And fent ye thence by Wa(er ro h. non again, and from fce rm• g him 18 pwn Hab· · to pafs through rh C l[ation, nor fuf-were your Fears) Jell h e ounrrey (f~grear was your flander) wich h .e :~Gld Infect Jt (as An9, diq noc your Cquo~·l o; ~nhous Doctrine ? · · 1 ' lQl r e prefenr Di-llrd£ |