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Show Edward. c.harged with his Hair being too long. ( j24 ) Friends, Wbat is the Cau(e ? ( faid EdwarJ Wharton oft to you, when had before you .> And wherefore have I been fetch' d from mY. Habt-t at1.o n, w he re 1 was Jf o• llolvinbu my honeft .C a•l tmg, la nd here laid up 1M an evil Doer ? Your Hazr u too ong (reply'd you) at;d 'JOU are difobedient to that Com ... mandment, which faith, f!onour rhy Farh~r and M h To which faia Edward, Wherezn? In thaotr yoet~r .w ill not put off' JOUr Hat ( f: · d ) b ai you e-fore the Magiflrates. It's not fo ( reply'd Edward) b t I love and own all Magi.ftrates and Rulers, who a:e for the Punifhment of Evil-doers! and for the Praife of them that do Well. But cned Secretary d. Rawt0., in anfwer hereunto, Come to the Bar : Ed~~r ')I '. J h B h lr; . I: is had to Yea ( fatd Edward ) an unto t e enc a '.1 Q , .I or the Bar we know th6u haft no Evil jujlly to Charge m wzthagain,~ c. al. Hold up your Hand (cried Rawjon) Nay, dd reply' d W. Leddra and E. Wharton, For thou haft W.Le ra, no E.v il ju·{ tly to lay to our Ch a rge. Trr.lt r. 'd n e , tal E. l!'har· Raw[on, Edward Wharton,_ hear your Sentence of ton 1s fen- Bani.fhment. Friends (reply d Edward Wharton ) ~~~i~ .. to Have if care what you Jo ; for if you Murther me, ment. my Blood will lie heavy upon yofl. Rawfon anfwer-ed, Edward Wharton, Attend to your Sentence of B~ni{ hment ; You are upon pain of Deatk to depart thu The nth 'Jurifdielion, it being tke 11th of the mftant Marc~, of the firft by the One an.J Twentzeth of the fame, on the pam Mon;h, of Death. . t66x. A cruel Sentence, and moft Severe, to be gtven ro a Man for his Hat and Hair ; for thofe were rhe Crimes that were laid to his Charge ( Edward reply~d) Friends, I am a ft~gle Man, and I have de~Jings with fome People;· tt were g_ood I had time to make clear with all, and then, if you have Power to Murth1r m~, you may. H~reupo~ your Governour and Raw{on, having latd thetr Heads toe:etker, John Endifot, yot}r Governo~t, ' p . ~~ 4• . , ( ~2S ) (aid, If we {houlJ give him an· Hundred DaJs, it iJ all one. Nay, reply'd ,EduJard Wharton, I jhall not go a'Jvay, therefore be careful what you do. .so, having received his Semence, · the Coun bemg very full of People, Edw.ard cry'd aloud, in rhe midft of them, and faid, All People take rotice, what horrible, wicked, and unjuft Men thefe are, for after they had unrighteouflJ taken me from my Hou[e, where, when the Conflable came in, I was found following my honeft Calling, in the Fear of the Lord, he forced me out, and led me along tht Country ( with his black Staff) like fome Evil-doer, to the Governour' s Houfe ; wh.ere I asked the Governaur, What he had to charge me withal, who j aid, You fhall know hereafter. Ana now tbty have But c~arg· kept me almo(l a Year clofe Prifoner, Night and Day, ~~t~~~ they have Banifhed me on pain of Death; and for but his ought I kno7v, they wilt Murther me ; and yet they ~at a~d have nothing to charge me withal, but my Hat, antl h1s Ha1r. my Hair. Hereupon up fiarred your Secretary, Raw [on, and taking the Book of Records, read ro the People, How rhar contrary to Law, Ed·warJ Wht~rton had Travelled up and down with W. Robinfon and Mt~rmaduke Stevenjon (a fore Crime indeed, for which a Man mufi be Banifhed his Habitation upon pain of Death) To which Edward reply'd, What readeft thou that for? Have ye not ptowed Bloodjurrows on my Back for that alrea.dy, altho' you had no Law for it? Rawfon being rhus repulft, up fiands your Deputy-Governour, Bellingham, and to mend the maner, or rather to carry it on wirh Blood and Cruelty, where the other could nor wirh Law, and he would have him Whipp'd, and carried co Prifon again, rho' he was ordered ro Ranifbment, or elfe depart the Court, which he commanded him co do. So |