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Show ( 314) 166~. time of the fitting o( your Court of Af}ifiant~, Brought in which you brought nim forrh, wuh hts ~)~~0~~~1~ Chains and Log at his Heels ;{ia!: if all that had of Afft- been done unto him was not umctem, _you pur ftants. to your weight w {ink him down, wh1ch fhall fink you down. This cruel Treatment was very hard to be-hold by his fellow-Prifoners, the Servants of the Lord whom be came in Tcndernefs of Love to Vifir,~nd was deale with,as aforefaid . And Edw_ard E.Wh,u- bl I h l on. 'f.f/barton, of SaLem, being a e no onger to Wll - hold when be heard dear William asking the Jay~r When be intendeJ to take the Trons from his Legs ? 'And the J aylo! anf we ring.; When thou .art going to be banged; fatd to your Jaylor, U?lllam Salter, Who gave · thee Order to do t~efe thmgs ? Thou at/eft as if thou w~rt fome Magiftra~e : T? which your jaylor rephed, I am a Magiflrate zn my place (fee what h~ig~t of_Preferm~nt blood- - Thirtlinefs and Cruelnes tmagme Men mto, JaJlors, ·Magiflrates, M~~iftrates, 1aylors. ) And to William Leddra he faid, Iloek upon thee M a Ct~pital Offender. This was the eafy and tender Refentment of a Man compaffed about whh the· fame Infirmities as bimfelf, whom he Cruelly had ufed, as aforefaid, both as Exe.cutioner and Magitlrate ( a horrid Schifm in Law and Government f'Or the fame Man to be both Executioner ~nd Judge) Edward Wharton being fo far from being terrified with what was done, faid, Truly, William, if I come to ~e at Liberty, I fhall return to my Home ; that is, he fhould ~~me back again, upon your Law of Death, as Wtlltam Leddra had. Your }aylor anfwered, He jhor1ld then be banged. The Mercies of the Wicked are Cruel ; and he ( EdwarJ) was as good. as ~is word ; for the Teftimony of Truth earned h1m on ( Jl s ) on to perform it, afier you had fentenc.· d him, and put WiDiam Leddra to Death ; for he carne upon you again, when you, were upon the Blood of Wenlock Chriflifon ( hereaf[er to be mentioned) which is a farther Demonllration of the Power of God ruling in his Servants, whom you fought to run over, but were noc· able, t~o· you tried it whh Whippings, and Scourgmgs, and !ofs of Goods, and Imprifon" mencs, and Cutung off Ears, and Sellin()' for Bond-flaves, and Burnings, and Banithmenr,b and Dea[h, Now, your Court of Affillants being far, in The fl rft the firft Month, i 66°. you drew this Servant o(Month, rhe Lord ro your ju1dgmentaSeat, rhc::re to Sen- I66~, renee him, and pur him to Death, and fo to difpatch him quire, by pretence of Law whom your Cru~Iti~s had not dellroyed, though they were r~ htm _m the Narure of a lingring Dearh; and With htm, Edward Wharton; as afore(aid, .E. Whar and John Chamberlaine, a Houfe-keeper, i-n your ron, J-oh~t Town of Bofton, whom you had cruelly whipr ct kambe, ... Oc1.1t - t"t mes b_ ec, ore, as 1• n t he c1 0rmer Treatl·lre hath Ham1.rep,e r,f .8· : be~n menuoned. And Robert Harper and his hi-; Wife. W1fe, who carne above fixty Miles from their · Homes, at Sandwich, to Vifir their Brethren in B~nds, for w?ich you had lock•d them up in Pnfon, all Wmter, from their Homes, and linle Ones; fo far were you from vifiring the Pri, foners, rho' you knew who faid I wt~s Sick an d z.n p; :;;r ;o n? ~nd rou v i(ited me ' net ; and t heje" ·foal/ go mto Life Eternal; but the Wic:ked i'flt-; . ' E7.1erlaf!ing Punifhmem; All thefe ye drew to your Judgment-Sear, where being brotlghr ro Brought h f ' to thc:Bar £. e Bar, you pake of your ~aw, and told fVil- an t w. ' lzam LeJJra, Tb~t he. was ~und Guilty, and that 1 :-1~rJ. be was to DJ,e; WilJ~t~m faul, ff'hra E'Tiil hnve I tn~\., , U l. Jor:( ? |