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Show ( 270) Trampled upon his Witnefs in the~, and ha~e prejfed him with their Sin. ra a Cart ts prej]ed w:th Sheaves, fo that he can bear no longer wzth them,-becaufe their Iniquity do:h abound. Oh ! fearch the Scriptures, and fee tf they do not go b~~ yond, and exceed the falfe Propher,s of Old? m Deceit and fubrle Hypocrify : Oh . they mtght even . Blulh for shame, to confider wh~t th~y have done,..- and caufed ro be done, whtch wtll fall fad and heavy upon them, when t~e Lor~ calls them ro an Account, and requues hts Flock at their Hands ; rhen fhall they Roar and Weep biuerly, and wifh, they ha? never b:e? Born, when Calamity and A_ngUifh _of Sptrtt overtakes them which they Will certamly meet withal, for th; Lord hath fpoken ir, who will perform his Promife, That the Beaft and the falfe Prophet (hall go into the Lake. together? and for ever be Tormentetl with the Dev1l -and hes {lngels, ~or for thither muft they go, and all that JOyns wtth them muft partake of their Punifhment. So, dear Friends and People, take heed what you 4o, in joyning with fuch who leads you to De· firu8ion, for in the broad Way they are w_alking themfelyes, and leads you after them tn~o the Pit of Perdition, where they muft remam for ever · (or they will nor enter into the King~ dom th~mfelves, nor fuffer you, if. they can binder : And will not the Lord anfe for th.e Redemption of his Seed ? Yea,. fur ely, he IS arifen already, to ihake the N a nons th~t refill: him · and hath given the Power to hts Son, whicb fhall Rule the Nations with a Rod oflron, and they that will not Bow w his Government, muft be de!lroyed and broken to pieces, the Mouth of the Lord of Hofts hath fpoken ir, So, ( 271 ) so; dear Friends and People, Young and Old, mind well what is wrinen, and ponder ir in your Hearts, for in Love to you alJ do I fpeak, the Lord is my Wirnefs, rha~ rhis is not written in any Prejudice of Mind lO any Man"s Perfan, neither in Prejudice or Envy againfr rhe Priefis or the falfe Prophets, but againft their Evil Actions which we fee in them, which we loath and detefi ; for never d td, the rrue Prophets of the ~ord feek their Gsm from their Q..uarter, as thefe Pridls now do in this Generation ; nor ever did they Jue Men at Law for Tithes, as thefe Priefis do now ; neirher did they , that the Lord fenr forrh to declare his Mind and Will, make Bargains with People for fo much a Year, or abide in one Town for many Years together, ·as thefe Priefis do now; nay, rhey went from one Place to anorher, from Ciry ro Cicy, and from Counrry to Counrry, in Obedience to the Command of the Lord, as J~remiah and the refi of the true Minifiers did, to whom the Word of the Lord came, faying, I have Ordained thee a Prophet unto the Nations : Mark, not ro a Town or a City, to remain in for many Years together, but, w the Nations ; and in Obedience to the living God, he Tdlified againft rhe World, That their DeedJ were Evil; but they could not bear his words. bm faid, Ht! was worthy to Dye : And fo the Priefis and falfe Prophets joyned with the Princes and Rulers of the People, and caft him inro Prifon, and into the Dungeon, where he did fink amongfi: the Mire that was in ic. Read in his Prophecy, and you will find it fo; and this was that which the true Prophets and Minifiers of Chrifi received from the World, where they went_, Scock~ ng, Whipping and Imprifonments ; thus were · R 4 they |