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Show ( 202 ) of his Orchard ; and when he deritanded her Order, the faid, Her Father u'ould bring it ( but he brought none) and other words the faid, viz.---Tbtd the Apples, and Houfe, an~ Land, were theirs; and 'Jvhen the Peaches were ripe, {he 'Jvould come and gather them al(o ( a fore Provocation ; bur he was preferved ~ier in the Will of the Lord, who gave him Content, tho' he was a Cripple ; his Orchard and Garden, and the Fruits therein, was that which he made ufe of for the Maintainance of him and his Family.) It wasrhe1.;th of the 6rh Month, 1659· tha-tfbe came ro gather the Fruits. .A. How- And, Arthur Howland (a Man of near Seventy l.md. Years of Age, who had waited for the Salva. tion of God) living in a Town called Marsfield, in that Pacenr, and bearing Tefiimony againft the Miniftry of Man (now the Son is come ) they defirained his Iron Furnirure belonging to his Draught, which quite difabled him from making ufe of the fame ; and this, for the Prieft. And becaufe he delivered not up Robert Hodg· Jhone (a Servant of the Lord) to the Conftable, h who had no Warrant, they fined him Five ~[t~e2~~t Pounds, and for that rhey rook away (the 18rh Month, of the 3d Monch, r658.) a Steer and a Bull: t6)S· Yet this would not fadsfie them, but fuch was their Rage ar the old Man, that to Prifon they commirred him in the depth of Winrer, tho' An Ap- he Appealed w rhe Chief MagHhate in England; peal to for it was his Life they fought, and his Life Englttnd they would have had (if tuch Hardlhips as denyed. thefe would have done it.) had not his Brother and Friends ( who could nm bear it ) entred into a Bond for him. Thus (you) neither regarded the Old Man, nor the Young, rhe hoary Head, nor him that leaAeth upon his Staff by reafon of Ag~. · I . ( 20l >' hurI ~tl.l g hr alfo fpe~lt of f;lenry Howland of ri H. How- H :y fc whod, for havmg a Meeting of Friend . uh~- land: ou e, an not Swearing ro . k . . s m IS ~an, , was fined Thirty Shilr rna _e h_ml ~Jury- . VIed upon him. mgs, whtch W2s Ie.:. Ftinher I might go d bore Tefiimony ro yo'uanF rel~te of rhofe who · ft r aces tn yo C agam your Unjuft Proce d' ur oun~, of the Innocent, whoi1 1 e mgs,_ an9 Oppreffing Nicholas Davis (who bein ye lmpnfoJ.?ed ; as, the 4th Month t 6; 9 wh g ~y at the Courr, in N . Da'IJI# ~f Truth wer~ had befor~n ma?y of the Friends for their 1efufing ro Swea r.he~b an_d fentenc•d Lord ) feeing how flighr,ltn h. edtence to rhe Ma. rfof •l's Cruelty' ht"s W~ yk dr. ey made of the lC e and U • ft Ur. ges o them defiroyin h . nJu ,a. ing them, the faid NicCot:s elf Car~Ie, a.nd vexabroad, fpake in a T fii ' _preadtng hts Arms he was a Witnefs {or th~ Lm~ny ~nd Zeal,---That Jion.-·-And would hav dr I Agamft their Oppreft~~ y fuffered him not ;o fi ec ared wherein, bur h1~ ro Prifon. Abour wtf.e~k,. but committed pnfoned WiOiam Leddra lC tJme alfo you im- , . tominued them p ·r. and Peter Pear{9n, and W:teddra,. Pl ...... h r11oners about Ten M h . P.Pearfond lmOUt ~ Onr S tn And here, to the next Pl . . . . . to wir, That of Ni anratton I mufi pafs . . . With you, for wh~;h;~;,d and ~here accoun: r:~:~~gs ny : For through your Enc one m that Colo- haven Co~· your Irifiigation it w . 1 ouragemenr, and by lony.· been done~ ' as, t lat thefe Things have h' Humc,h reJ, N or t on, comm• g inio S b . Is. way to the Dlltch Planration lor:th, -bold, In n :Norton. gomg, ro vifit the Seed of h , w 1H er he was ~vening Apprehended . .the Lord, was rhat W~ic~ Way he Traveiledn· out ~eing asked, Appn·· f:ommnted lO the Mllrfh } .. or WhHher ? And hended~· N a ~ and conveyed by "' Watet |