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Show (- 200 ) The Pco:n- and Common Priviledges, yet be was denied mon n- . h · h p vi ledge of his Share 10 Whale-Oyl, w tC , as. a reeman, Freemen feJI ro him : And the ConftabJe fatd, He muft denyecl. not [peak, for he was no Free~an.:--And for. not Swearing, he was fined, and dtftramed, as atorefaid : And for coming ro Meetings, and for hao ving a Meeting (or Meeting1) at hiJ. Houfe, TbomtU Prince, rhe Governour, Capr. Wzllet, Thoma4 Hinckley, and 1ofiah Winflow, were the Men that came and fare ar the Haufe of Rich. Bourne, and fined him and ochers ( ro the number of Sixreen) rhe Sum of Five Pounds a· piece, for refufing ro Swear ; and becaufe they did nor prefently de pan the Court, the Govern our caft three of rhem into Prifon (and there kept them feveral Days, in the cold Weather, from their Families) "rhe faid ]"o(iab (or M11jor ) Winflow 'The Ex- (who, for his Cruehy to rhe People of the Lord, ~~~~~ers gained this Prommion) /hewing much Vthe~ of Major mency and Fiercenefs of Spirif againft them; Winjlow fomedmes ftarring up, and fmicing the Table againft wich his Srick, rhen with his Hand, then ftampthem. ing with his Feet, like a Madman, faying,---He could not bear it ; and why ? Becaufe Robert Harper defired ir might be made appear, that that was the Counrry's Cow chat Edward Perry, aforefaid, had killed, before tbe was attached by rhe Mar{1Jal. And becaufe ThomtM Ewer fpake of the Mar/hal's wearing of his Clothes, which he had upon his· Back, and was charged with Robbing Ed'JJ,ard Perry of his Goods, and with feizing on their Carrie) and taking them away, when the Owners were Abroad, and faying nmhing to them, when they pafs" d by ro rake them. And further he, the faid w;, .. flow, faid,---Let them have the Strapado; who never knew ( its like ) what really belonged (ci ( 26l ) ro a Soldier. Yet fuch as Lhefe are che Cruel Executioners .of the lnnocenu Michael Turner is the next, from M.Tt.hi:r~ whom they wok,-~- l. s. d. Nine Ewes IJ 10 00 And from 1obn ~ewland, 'f· New: One Beaft, wonh '2. 6 00 land. .Thefe art parr of the Sufferings of rhe In-nocenr, and of rhe Men ofSandJvich, an·d of rhe People of Plimouth-Patent, Jurifdiction; which I have fee down, ro rhe End all may fee what are die Sufferings of rhe People of the Lord, in that Colony: For, All are nor ~ome co my Hands; but by what I have done, as to the Inhabitants of the Town, or fo111e of rhem in a tn~n fpace of _it 1e? _rhe rtft may be judg~d; and tn what a C ndmon rhofe Servanrs of rhe L~r~ are, who, their Wives, Children and Fa~ lmhes, lye under the Cruelty of fuch Oppref.,. fors, both. as. ro their Perfons and Efiares ; rho•, as ro theu 1~ward Man, they are free in the Lord, and reJoyce rhar rhey have any Thina ro lofe for rhe Lord, and for the fake of bhis Truth ? who hath lhewed unco them Mercy and ratfed them out of their Graves and give~ rheth Fairh in God, through the Refurrectio11 of rhe Dead : Whofe is the Praife, and rhe Gio.; ty? and th~ Dominion for ever, for this his Vifit1ng of hts Inheritance, and giving them co be able co Suffer for his Nam~. b Now (as I faid) Thef~ are not all that might e brought into this Account • for Th 1ohnjon had his Haufe and La~d fei~ed ~:IM 1.'fohnfon~' and the Marjhat"s Daughter gathered the Frui: N of |