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Show ( 196 ) of him by hi.s hard Labour, viz .. Seven Pounds Thirteen Shillings.-That he 1vas a Tranfgrejfor of 1he La2v.-Cruel Men, who thus keep from him {be Labourers Hire, which crierh our againft rhen; and becaufe of which, i's the Woe, fpoken of by the Prophet, Mal. 3. 5. Even that the Lord will come near to j-udgment, and be a '1vifi Witnefs againfl thofe that Opprefs the Hireling m his !Vages, and fear not me, faith the Lord of Hojl.r. And, Thou Puzlt not defraud thy Neighbour, neither Rob him : The Wages of him tb&t is hired, fhalt nvt abide 1vith thee aU Night until the Morning, Lev. •?· q. Alfo his Ax was taken away, wirh which he wroughr, worth Three Shillings, for Ten Pence Charge ro the Country; and for another Ten Pence Rare to the Counrry, Thomas Toby, the Confiable, finding the faid Thomas B,·e.ztlCom E-uJer's Bag of Corn at the Mill (what narrow ~aken h Inqui!ition do they make, and what Hunrings tMroilml tf ocr are he re, even .co r rh e Brea d o f the Oppreffed, theirFines and the Infirumenrs of their Labour, by which and their they get their Bread ? Whenas, ir is faid, No workin·• Man [hall take the Nether or the Upper Mil(fone to Too h. Pledge, for he taketh a Man's Life to Pledge, Deur. 19. 16. And ir·s faid to be the fianding Law of rhe Counrry ; yet how is it gone againft; ~nd the very exprefs Law of God, ro Opprefs and Take from him (which is more than ro Pledge) that which the Law of God faith is his Life?) rook half a Buibel our of it, which was worth Eighteen Pence. William Ne1vland was pillaged of-·- I. J. J. One Mare, one Horfe, tW01. 6 00 00 Kine 53 For I ( 197 ) For not SWeari~g:, and bein~ at the Meetings, and for Enterrammg of, bemg w irh, and adhering ro. thofe People ; and for rhefe Things, he and h1s Brorher Henry, of the Town of Dux- IJ. Howbury, were Disfranchized. They were fum- Jand of moned for chis in the 8rh Momh, r659. and in Duxbury. the Record of their Disfranchizemenr Wjlliam (is faid) to be enrred firft, and rhen t~o orhers, who were fo fenrenc·d, the one, for Drunken~ nefs, the mher, for fome Evil of another kind and HBnry laft. So numbring them among Tranf~ greffors. Daniel Wing, from whom they rook--- Three Kine l. s. J. 11 oo oo For the I:Jar, fined Twenry Shillings, and for not Sweanng. D. Wing. Ralph Allin, the younger, from I?.:_ AliiPT, whom rhey alfo took--- l. 18 s. d. the youn- Four Cows oo oo ger. One Weather Sheep, for Twenty Sh"ll' for the Hat. 1 mgs Peter Gaunt, from whom was taken--- 1 J. Five Kine, two year Heifers 3 ~ ;~ O_ne Mare, two three year Steers 1 2 00 °0 Etg~t Bulheis of Peafe (as fome} 00 fatd) , r. 4 oo Four Bufhels of Indian-Corn and 'l.. half a Bulhel of Wheat 5 10 6 43 14 6 For P. G:IUJ!I , |