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Show ( 124) People for his People ; Preachin~ ~rom that Text, who faid -He wou.ld cany Fzre m o"e Hand, and Frtggots ;; the other, to Burn all the QJ!akers in the J-Vorlcl.-Who having fame of rhofe _Peoples Books in his Hand, as chey were burnmg the Books of Friends by your Order, threw chem in the Fite, faying1---From the Devi~ thq came., ( Blafphemous Wrer~h ! ) and to the Devil let them go.---He who fa1d to ye, when ye fat on rhe Blood of thcfe Men, B This is that Prieft Wilfon, whom C. Mather, in his late Hiftory of New-England, fo much commends, and with his Brother in Iniquity, John .Vo rto~l (of whom more hereafter) ranks with :fohn Cotton (a Man of a better Spirit, in his Day) under tpe Title of R.!;<Jercnd and R__enowned Minifters of the Gofpel, comparing him to D.zviJ. and :fohn the Apoftle; and calls, 1hat Great Saint and Worti?J M.m, that was fuch an irreverent1nnworthy and blood·thirfty Perfecutor of the People of God: But, let him know1 1hat Sinners are no Saints; nor, no Murtberer h:ztb Etern Life abiding in him, 1 John 3·1)• --Hang them t, or elfe (drawing his Finger ach wan his Throar, fo making Signs for it to be cur, if ye did it not ) I fay, chis your bloody old High-Priell,wirh ochers of his Brechren in Iniquity, and in perfecuting the Jull, met them in your Train-Field ; and, infread of having a fenfe upon him fuicable co fuch an Occafi~ on, and as is ufual whh Men of any Tendernefs, he fell a Taunring at W. Robin/ on, and fhaking his Hand in a lighc Scoffing manner, Taunted by him. faid,---Shall j'ucb Jacks as you come in before Authority with your Hats on ?---wich many orhet rauming words. To which W. Rnbinj(m replied1--- Mind you, mind you, It i4 for the not putting off the Hat, ·we are put to Death.---And when IV. Robinfon wenc cheerfnlly up the Ladder, to the ropmoft round above rhe Gallows, and fpake , ro the People,---That thq fuffered not m evil Doers, but m thoje who tejfijied and man~fefterl the TrUih, and that thi.r 7l'at the Day of their Vifitation, and ( 12) ) anJ therefore defirul them to minrl the Light that ?vas in them, the Light of Chri(f, of 2vhich he Teftifiul, rmd 'Jl/t:t! no?v going to Seal it ?JJith htS Blood.--This old Priell: in much Wickcdnefs faid,--Holti thy Tongue, be filent, Thou art goin~ to Dye with a Lye in thy Mouth.·--When ht fpJke of the Light of Chrifr within, which refiified againft Evil, as rhar which was Sufficieror ro bring unro God, and for the Tellimony of which he then Suffered. . So, being come w the place ofExecmion,Hand in Hand, all rhreeot rhem, as ro a Weding·day, with great cheerfulnefs of Hean ; and having raken leave of each mher, with rhe dear Em-braces of one another, in the Love of the Lord, And are your Execurioner pur W. Robin/on to Dearh, and E~ecutedl" afrer him M. Stevenjon, who died, both of them, b~~W.l{qt full of the Joy of rhe Lord, and ll:tdfaft in him, ~~;~:;~and have received a Crown of Life, Sealing their Jon. Tdlimony with rhtir Blood, their Counrenances nor changing (tho, rhe Priefis rhought ro have found . ir otherwife, and fome of them had fpo-ken to this purpofe, char rhey fhould f<:e whe-ther rhey would change Counrenance, when they had a Halrer abouc thdr Necks ) bur they remained as frefh (in a manner) even afccr they were Dead as before (as was obferved by fame.) And their The Bodies being Dead your Execurioner and cl~acl Bo- , . cl1es cut Officers were fo BarbJrous, rhar when rhetr down and dead Bodies were cur down, rhey we1 e fuffer- let fall to ed ro fall ro rhe Ground, with which the ~he br_eakSkull of W. Robinfon was broke, his Body being mtg ohf ?11e S ·t:r • d d d o t e1r ttu ere tt was em own ; an when own, Skuls. their Shins were ripped off wirh a Knife, and And caft their naked Bodies call into a Hole of rbe Earrh, naked ~nwhich was diggcd, wirhour any Covering; a Jd to. ah Ptt, WI1 en rt.o me p' n.e nd s came an d de fiI re d 1h er.r Bo- wCottv eoriuntc ra dies ~ |