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Show . ( 44 ) Declar.-Tbty found Entrance.- .Anfw. And, Why fhould they not, feeing the Lord of all is he that fenr them. Declar.-Not1vith(f an ding ?JJhich .... -- An[w. Norwithfianding What ? Why the Law prohibiting alt Mafters of Ships from bringing in an7, ~tnd them [elves from coming in. Coming in ! From whence ? Why from or by Sea, for as for the Land, chat Door was nor Shut, rhe back-Door (as ye call ir) bur the fore was. Notwithftan ding which, viz. the Law aforefaid ( fay ye ) by a Jack-Door they found Entrance---Then how come they w be concerned in a Law which was not fined for them ? It was for them that came in at .the fore-Door, by Sea, and Ship-Mafiers rhar brought them, who were prohibited from bring. ing in any fuch, and themfelves from fo coming in ; I fay, How come they to be concerned in a Law which was nor for them, and you tO inflict upon them the Penalry of a Law which concerned them nor ( might they not come in at the back-Door, it being open, when the fore· Door was fhut?) yea, a Greater? For fo fay ye, ·--.And the Penalty infliEJed on themfelves proving Infufficient to reftrain their Impudent and Infolent Ob· trufions, WIM incrtafed by the lofs of the Ears ofth,ofi that ~'e11ded the fecond time •• -- • Anfw. Infufficient indeed ( and well might it be) and roo weak a Defence ( as ye afterwards fpeak of cutcing off Ears, and therefore proceed from Banifhmem to Death ) againft him who made the Earth and the Sea, and all that therein ir, who giveth unto Man, Life, and Breath, and Moving ; whofe time being come for the foupding of his Everlafiing Gofpel to thofe who fate in Dar·kne{s, and Region of the Shadow of Death, in your 1 urifdiction ; he arm' d his Metfengers a-gainn ( 45 ) gainft the Force of Dearh, and the Strength of Darknefs, with his Eternal Spirit, and enabled the~ EO endure what . the Strength pf the One, and the Gates of the Other could inflict upon rhelll; whom ye have Killed and put ro Death, Whipp' d and Scourg' d, burn' d in the Hand, and cur off their Ears, and fo they bear in their Bodie/ the Marks of the Lord J efm, and the Dying of Jefm i4 maJe manife{l in their mortal Flefh; that they might not truft in them[elves, but in him tbat rai{ed up Jefm from the Dead : And a Crown of Life they fball receive, who loved not their Lives unto the DeAth, for the fake of Jefm Chrij!. Lll/lly, Infufficient againfi what ? ·Againft a few Innocent Lambs among Wolves; a few fimple People, Men and Women, who came w you not wich Swords or wich Spears, but in the Name of the Lord, whom the Lord God of Life fent ro you through Defarrs, and vVilderndfes, and NeceHities, and Srr~irs, and Hunger, and Thirft, and Cold, and Heat, ·and Perils by Sea, and Perils by Land, and Temptations, and Dillrdfes, to turn ye unto God ; whom ye have Imprifon'd, and Whipp'd, and Burn'd, and Cut off their Ears, and pu£ ro Death. And, the time i4 11t hand, yea, near to be revealed, ?vberein the Righteom God will render unto you according to your Deeds ; yea, 11ccording to your Deeds 1viil he Recompence you, F11ry to his Adverfaries, Recompence to his Enemies ; yea, to hil Adverf a_ries will be repay Recompence : And the Lord. GoJ will Thunder out o( Heaven upon rou, and the whole Earth p1all be filled with hu Glory, 'Jl'hen he Jhall have thrown ye down from ror1r Seats, and Exalted the Ht4mble and Meek ; even 2vhen he Jhall have turned ta bear the Prayers of the Defolate, and help him to Right that hath no Helper, and the P(lor from him 'll'bo u too Strong for him |