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Show ( J2 ) fo ridiculoufly too, that any Wife Man may fee through it before it is opened, as if fo be you were nor to Account : So working backwards and forwards, up and down, now here, and now there as Men Drunk indeed with the Blood of the Innocent, whom Guilt fuffers not · to be Silenr ; and yet when ye fpeak, ye manifell your Guilt : For, as I have faid ro you, 1uftice neeJetb no Apology, but irs Defence lies in the J ufiice of the thing that arraigns the Male. fatl:or ; which an{wers co that of God in every Man's Confcience; not in the Declaration or Apolo(y, . which arraigns the J uftice. So, had ye been wife Men, ye would have been Silent, and have ·let the thing alone to have wrought as it would, and not 2s Cain (who flew his Bro. ther about Religion, the State of you ) have fnarch'd and caceh'd at every thing to fave you, who thereby ihew that ye are afraid of every thing. Behold, thou hafo driven me out this Day ( faid C11in, when he had £lain his Brother, his Guilr fpake in him) from the face of the Earth, and from thy Face jha!J I be bid, and I fha/J be a Fugitive and Vagabond in the Earth ; and it {hall co111e to . pajs, that e'tJery one' that findeth me fhaO pay me. Who put ye upon this Apoio. gy ? Who call'd ye to account ? Who difiur. bed you ? What's the ma£ter? When a Superiour Power had call'd ye £O an Account for the Blood of the Innocent, and the Cruelties of the Oppreffed, then it had been a time for you to have produced your Gaufe; and brought forth your llrong Reafons, and to have 1bewn ( if ye could have told how ) Ground for your Work, and Juftice for ,your Doings: Bur thus to Apo· Iogize, to Beg, to Befeech for a right Under{& and~ ing, or fuch an Undedlanding as ye would have, I ( 3 3 ) have, as is the Englijh of fuch a Declaration when ye feem to be in the heighr of your Blood and on the Pinade of your Throne, and rhus' picifuiiy tO do ir, and to cut your own Throats, fhewech y~ much. below rhe Undedtanding of Men, as tt mamfelleth your Guile. 'rhus much in Anfwer ro this pan of your Decl,z~ ration. Declaration. ----:-4~d accordingl'l a Law Wtll made and publijhed, ~rohzb:tmg ~ll ~~flers of Ships to bring any ~akers mto thu Jurifdsclton, and themfelves from coming in, ~n penalty of the Heufe of ClirreClion, ti/J they fhoz-sJJ tu fent away.- . Anfiver. Httherto I have had ro do with you as to chat parr ~f t?e Sufferings of chofe People as were by you mflttl:ed before the fining of your Coun · or, that a~y Law was made by you againfr rhem ~ Alfo~ as ro the Ground or Reafon of your Proceedmg~, who made rhem fuffer without a Law. All whtch I have anf w~red in rhe beginning, becaure ye have placed H fo, and in regard ir conrams the Sum of your Charge a()'ainft chem or the Ca~fe of their Sufferings; for,0 char which (ollows, .ts bur !he Gradation of your Proceed .. mgs fi-om Impnfonmenr w Death, and rather demonfirares that ye did fuch and fuch things than t~e Gro~nds ( or rhar ye had Grounds) ?n whtch ye dtd. chem; and fo your Decltwation 1s a <(harge agamfr your felves. Now, as ro your _Laws, and the Grounds of rhem, and rhe Su.ffer~ngs as ro each. And becaufeevery Derer! llll1auon of Man is J ufiifiable, or nor1 accordmg. to t~e Ground on which it fiands, I fhall begm wuh your Grounds, which I fhall find w be Two, and rhen proceed to the relt. C The |