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Show 1873.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON THE GENUS PROTOGONIUS. 775 spots ; a yellow spot at apex; underside nearly as in preceding species. Expanse of wings 3 inches 8 lines. Venezuela (Dyson). B.M. Mimics Melincea lilis of Doubleday. 9. P. DIVISUS, n. sp. Very like P. bogotanus ; but the apical spots of primaries and the colouring of under surface are quite different; an elongate oblique trifid patch just beyond end of cell, a large blotch on second median interspace, and four small apical submarginal spots saffron-yellow ; underside very similar to P. cecrops, but primaries without the large subapical white spot, and secondaries with the central band quite different in shape, widening gradually from submedian nervure to first subcostal branch and then suddenly narrower to costa. Expanse of wings 3 inches 6 lines. E. Peru (Degand). B.M. Most nearly allied to P. quadridentatus; possibly a mimic of Melincea mcelus oi Hewitson, but not a good imitation of it. 10. P. CASTANEUS, n. sp. (Plate LXIX. fig. 2.) Primaries black, with a broad curved castaneous streak running from base to just below first median branch, where it terminates in a diffused subanal yellow spot; an elongate oblique trifid patch just beyond cell, the central part of costa, a large blotch on second median interspace, and four large apical submarginal spots, only separated by the nervures (the second much the largest), yellow ; secondaries dark castaneous, with the outer margin from anal angle to apex dark brown and broad, excepting at apex ; seven submarginal yellow spots reduced to points at apex ; underside very similar to P. hippona, but central band as in preceding species. Expanse of wings 3 inches 5 lines. Ega (Bates). B.M. Mimics Tithorea egaensis, Butler; it is most nearly allied to the preceding species. 11. P. ALBINOTATUS, n. sp. (Plate LXIX. fig. 4.) Primaries above as in P. tithoreides, excepting that all the spots of apical half are white, and that there are six submarginal spots ; secondaries as in P. quadridentatus ; underside as in P. tithoreides. Expanse of wings 3 inches 5 lines. Bogota (Janson). B.M. Mimics Melincea messatis of Hewitson, and is not an uncommon insect in collections. Although very closely allied to P. tithoreides, I believe it to be distinct, from the fact of its mimicking a species of Melincea ; whilst P. tithoreides mimics a Tithorea. It is not very likely that the same species would .produce imitations of two distinct genera, although from the small amount of change required (chiefly one of colour) I should think it not impossible. |