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Show 718 MR. G. B. SOWERBY ON NEW SHELLS. [Nov. 4, 9. Descriptions of twelve new Species of Shells. By G. B. SOWERBY, Jun. [Received September 15, 1873.] (Plate LIX.) 1. CYCLOSTOMA BALTEATUM, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 1.) C. testa globoso-conica, modice umbilicata, griseo-alba, ferrugineo tincta, purpureo-fusco spiraliter lineata et infra peripheriam unizonata; anfractibus subrotundatis, undique decus-satim striatis, spiraliter superne et inferne liratis; apertura circulari, intus fusco fasciata ; labro albicante, latere externo vix expanso, latere ventrali tenuiter expanso ; operculo calcareo spirali, planulato, anfractibus tribus. Hab. Madagascar. A globosely conical shell, moderately umbilicated, greyish white, tinged with rust-brown, spirally banded with purplish-brown lines, and a brown zone just below the middle of the last whorl; whorls somewhat rounded, decussately striated throughout, above and below spirally corded ; aperture circular, interior showing the brown bands ; lip whitish, the outer side scarcely expanded; ventral side broad and thin. 2. CYCLOSTOMA FILO-STRIATUM, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 2.) C. testa globoso-conica, solidiuscula, modice umbilicata, albida, ferrugineo tincta, castaneo spiraliter zonata; anfractibus rotundatis, malleatis, spiraliter obsolete liratis, concentrice conspicue filo striatis, striis ad suturas subplicatis; apertura oblique circulari, intus castaneo-fusca; labro albo rotunde reflexo. Hab. Madagascar. A globosely conical shell, rather solid, moderately umbilicated, rusty white, banded with chestnut-brown zones; whorls rounded, with a malleated surface, spirally obsoletely ridged, concentrically conspicuously thread-striated, the striae somewhat puckered at the sutures; aperture rather oblique, interior dark brown ; lip white, rounded. Obs. Of much the same form and general appearance as the preceding, but with obvious differences, being a shell of more solid growth, with a thickened roundly reflexed lip; in sculpture, the concentric thread-like striae taking the place of the spiral ridges, which are predominant in C. balteatum. 3. CYCLOSTOMA CONSANGUINEUM, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 3.) C. testa depresse turbinata, ample umbilicata, griseo-albida, pur• pureo-griseo spiraliter fasciata, et infra peripheriam purpureo fusco unizonata, transverse luteo flammea; spira subacuta; anfractibus rotundatis, concentrice subtiliter striatis, spiraliter |