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Show 564 DR. J. COX ON NEW LAND AND MARINE SHELLS. [June 17, 2. Descriptions of new Species of Land and Marine Shells from Australia and the Solomon and Louisiade Islands. By J. Cox, M.D., C.M.Z.S. [Received May 16, 1873.] (Plate XLVIII.) HELIX ALLASTERI, sp. nov. Shell with a deep narrow concealed umbilicus, semiglobose, smooth, transversely very finely striated with lines of growth ; the whorls of the apex also longitudinally finely striated, translucent, pale straw-coloured, ornamented above and below with numerous rather narrow opaque white and clear bands ; whorls 5, rapidly increasing in size, the last much inflated and obtusely carinated, not depressed in front, convex above and below; aperture ovately rounded, subangulated at the periphery, showing the opaque and clear zones within ; peristome smooth and shining; lip very broadly expanded and reflexed ; margins approximate, upper attached to the carina of the body-whorl, columellar broadly dilated, overhanging and concealing the umbilicus. Diam., greatest 0*98, least 0*64 ; height 0*60 of an inch. Hab. Solomon Islands (mus. Cox). This beautiful species may be at once distinguished by the very peculiar alternate opaque white and clear zones. Amongst a large number of specimens procured I have not found one to vary in this respect. (The specimen sent was so broken in transit that it could not be figured.-ED.) HELIX (CAM/ENA) ARTHURIANA, sp. nov. (Plate XLVIII. figs. 1, la.) Shell globosely depressed, largely and openly umbilicated, very dark chestnut, almost black, lighter at the apex, transversely finely striated; whorls 6, very gradually increasing in size, last sharply depressed in front; suture conspicuously margined below with white ; spire bluntly convex ; base somewhat flattened ; aperture ovately lunate, livid within, margins closely approximate, joined by a thin callus; peristome straight, expanded and reflexed, of an intensely dark livid purple colour ; columellar margin triangularly dilated, overhanging the umbilicus. Diam., greatest 1*28, least 0*90 ; height 0*77 of an inch (mus. Hargraves). Hab. L Island, Torres Straits, North Australia. More closely allied to H. o'connellensis, Cox, than to any other species. It is more globose, and it has not the excavated base round the umbilicus so characteristic of that species ; the aperture is also much more round, with the margins more approximated. HELIX (CAMJENA) RAWNESLEYI, sp.nov. (PlateXLVIII. fig. 2.) Shell broadly coniform, openly umbilicated, obliquely finely striated |