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Show 1873.] CERTAIN MUSCLES OF BIRDS. 641 Species examined. Rallus aquaticus. Ocydromus sylvestris. Aramides cayennensis. Porphyrio madagascariensis. Porzana americana. melanotus. carolinensis. Gallinula chloropus. Crex pratensis. The Grallae possess the ambiens, the femoro-caudal, the semitendinosus, the accessory semitendinosus, and the postacetabular portion of the tensor fasciae ; the accessory femoro-caudal m a y be present or absent. It is present in :- Glareola, sp. Charadrius hiaticula. Numenius arquatus. Himantopus nigricollis. phaeopus. Parra africana. Hcematopus niger. It is sometimes present (very small), sometimes absent, in :- Charadrius pluvialis. Vanellus cristatus. It is absent in :- Strepsilas interpres. Scolopax rusticola. Limosa rufa. Gallinago scolopacina. Totanus calidris. gallinula. solitarius. Calidris canutus. Gambetta flavipes. Tringa cinclus. Machetes pugnax. The Gavice possess the ambiens, the femoro-caudal, the semitendinosus, and the accessory semitendinosus ; the postacetabular portion of the tensor fasciae is slightly developed in Larus and Lestris, but not in Sterna ; the accessory femoro-caudal is present, though small, in Sterna, but absent in Larus and Lestris. Species examined. Lestris antarcticus. Larus glaucus. Larus argentatus. Sterna hirundo. The Procellariidce must be considered under two divisions, the Storm-Petrels and the true Petrels. The Storm-Petrels possess the femoro-caudal, the accessory femoro-caudal, the semitendinosus, the accessory semitendinosus, and the postacetabular portion of the tensor fasciae; the ambiens were present in a black one, but quite absent in three specimens of a light-grey species. Species examined. Procellaria pelagica 1 Procellaria fregata ? The true Petrels possess the ambiens, the femoro-caudal, the accessory femoro-caudal, and the semitendinosus; the postacetabular PROC. ZOOL. Soc.-1873, No. XLI. 41 |