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Show 216 REV. O. P. CAMBRIDGE O N [Mar. 4, of each lateral pair are nearly contiguous to each other, and seated on a tubercle. The legs are long and rather slender ; their colour is yellow, and they are furnished with hairs, long, slender, erect bristles, and a few not very long black spines ; their relative length is 1,4, 2, 3, those of the first pair being greatly the longest; each tarsus ends with two curved black claws and a small scopula or claw-tuft of hairs. The palpi are similar in colour to the legs, slender, moderately long, and furnished with hairs and bristles; the humeral joint is curved, and is equal in length to that of the cubital and radial together; the radial joint is double (if not rather more than double) the length of the cubital, and has on its outer extremity a very small, rather bent, dark reddish-brown apophysis ; this apophysis is sliglitly cleft at its extremity. The digital joint is short, of an. oval form, and does not exceed in length half that of the radial joint; at its hinder extremity on the outer side it is continued in the form of a rather tapering, sharp-pointed, nearly straight spur, which runs just above the radial apophysis, and is about half the length of the joint itself. The palpal organs are neither complex nor highly developed; they are of a somewhat flattened globular form, with an exceedingly slender, filiform black spine in contact with their inner margin. The falces are similar in colour to the cephalothorax ; they are very strong, projecting, and prominent near their middle in front, but not divergent. The maxillee are of normal form ; and their colour, with that of the sternum, is yellow. The labium is oblong, emarginate at the apex, and of a blackish-brown suffused colour. The abdomen is of moderate size and oval form ; its colour is a dull luteous yellow, sparingly clothed with silky yellow hairs, and thinly covered on the sides and upperside with whitish-yellow cretaceous spots or small patches, many of them being nearly conterminous, and leaving a clear short sword-shaped or slightly cruciform marking on the fore part of the upperside. A single adult male of this species was contained in Mr. Melliss's St-Helena collection. Fam. AGELENIDES. Genus AMAUROBIUS. A M A U R O B I U S CRUCIFER, sp. n. (Plate XXIV. fig. 6.) Adult female, length 2 lines. The cephalothorax, when looked at from above, has more the look of that of Spiders of the genus Agelena than the typical Amaurobius ; it is rounded behind and strongly constricted laterally forwards, the caput being produced or as it were drawn out. It is of a pale yellow-brown colour, thinly clothed with hairs ; and the normal grooves and indentations are marked with convergent black-brownish lines and suffusions ; the lateral margins are also of tbe same colour. The eges are in two transverse rows on the fore part of the caput, |