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Show 62 DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE TRIONYCHlDcE. [Jan. 7, alveolar margin concave, much wider in front, narrower on the sides, and becoming narrower at the end. Length to condyle 1| inch ; breadth at ears g inch. ** Skull very slender in front; nose-hole longer than broad; lower jaw contracted in the front of the side margin. 2. CALLINIA MICROCEPHALA. (Fig. 11, p. 63.) Potamochelys 1 microcephala, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 87. Callinia microcephala, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 220; Suppl. Cat. Sh. Rept. p. 108. Hab. Borneo, Sarawak. Skull slender, rather thin; nose much attenuated and acute in front, not quite as long as the diameter of the orbit; nose-hole very large, with the nasal bones acute and projecting into the upper surface ; space between the side of the nose-hole and the orbit very small, not a quarter the size of the diameter of the large orbit; forehead lozenge-shaped, elongate ; palatine surface nearly flat, with a wide, rather shallow groove, which is as wide as the front of the large internal nostrils, and continued as a line along their outer sides. Lower jaw very slight and slender, rather produced in front, where the rami are united, about one third the length of the front part of the jaw to the condyle; alveolar surface narrow, acute in front, which is concave internally and on the sides, where the jaws are compressed. Length of skull 1^ inch ; breadth finch. The skull is something like Tyrse ; but the nose is shorter, nose-hole much larger and extending up the sides of the face; anterioi central groove not so large behind. The skull is very like Callinia spinifera, but is much more slender, and more sharp and attenuated in front; and the lower jaw is also much more attenuated and rather contracted on the front of the sides ; the nose-hole is narrower and more elongate. 10. AMYDA. Amyda, Gray, Suppl. Cat. Sh. Rept. p. 95. This is one of the few Mud-tortoises that I have not seen. Agassiz says, " The lower jaw is sharp-edged all round." 1. A M Y D A MUTICA. Trionyx muticus, Lesueur, Mem. Mus. xv. p. 237, fig. 7 ; Hol-brook, Herp. N. Amer. ii.p. 19, t. 2; Gray, Syn. Rept. p. 46 ; Cat. Sh. Rept. p. 69. Gymnopus muticus, D u m . et Bibr. Erpet. Gen. ii. p. 482. Amyda mutica, Agassiz, Contrib. p. 390, t. 6. figs. 6, 7 (very young) ; Gray, Suppl. Cat. Sh. Rept. p. 95. Hab. N. America (Lesueur). 11. TYRSE. Tyrse, Gray, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 87 ; Suppl. Cat. Sh. Rept. p. 107 (skull) ; Gray, Cat. Sh. Rept. t. 42. f. 2 ; Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles, tab. (skull and skeleton). |