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Show 1873.] SURGEON F. DAY ON NEW INDIAN FISHES. 707 In the extensive genus Barbus I have obtained some species which are apparently new, whilst a few addenda have to be made to some previous descriptions. BARBUS (BARBODES) THOMASSI, sp. nov. B.iii. D.-f. P. 17. V. 10. A. |. C. 19. L.L 31. L. tr. |. Length of head from T 2 T to T 2.T, of caudal $, height of body 5 of the total length. Eyes, diameter | to -f of the length of head, 1£ to 2 diameters from the end of snout and apart in the adult. Body not much elevated. Interorbital space somewhat convex. Mouth narrow, horseshoe-shaped. No labial fold across the lower jaw, nor pores on the snout. Barbels thin, the rostral shorter than the maxillary, which last, however, do not equal one diameter of the orbit in length. Fins: the dorsal with its upper edge very concave, its anterior rays being slightly higher than the body below them, its last undivided ray smooth, weak, and articulated; ventral arises under the anterior third of the dorsal; anal, when laid flat, just reaches the caudal, which latter is deeply forked, and its upper lobe the longer. Lateral line forms a concavity from its commencement to opposite the posterior end of the base of the dorsal fin, where it becomes straight; 2 ^ rows of scales exist between it and the base of the ventral fin. Colours silvery, shot with red ; dorsal and caudal fins of a rich lake-colour, the last being externally edged with black ; pectorals, ventrals, and anal stained with greyish black. Hab. South Canara. When with Mr. H . S. Thomas we obtained eight specimens up to 18 inches in length ; but the fish is said to attain to a much larger size. I have named it after m y fellow worker in the Indian fisheries. BARBUS (BARBODES) CURMUCA, H. Buch. B.iii. D. |. P.15. V. 9. A. |. C. 20. L.1.41. L.tr.i. Length of head nearly | (y^j), of caudal |-, height of body -fs of the total length. Eyes rather high up ; diameter nearly ±_ of length of head, 2 diameters from end of snout, and 1| apart. Body somewhat compressed, the dorsal profile rather elevated ; head compressed, snout conical. Upper jaw the longer ; mouth narrow and horseshoe-shaped ; the posterior extremity of the maxilla reaches two-thirds of the distance to below the anterior edge of the orbit. Barbels : there are two pairs on the maxilla, none on the snout; the lower maxillary ones equal the length of the orbit, but the upper pair are much shorter. Fins: the dorsal commences nearer the snout than the base of the caudal; its last undivided ray is narrow, weak, and articulated in its superior half, whilst the upper edge of the fin is concave. The ventral arises under the middle of the dorsal; the pectoral reaches it; the anal, when laid flat, extends to the base of the caudal, which is deeply forked. Lateral line: 3\ rows of scales between it and the base of the ventral. Colours silvery ; in young specimens the anal is black in its last fourth. |