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Show 1873.] FISHES F R O M INDIA A N D B U R M A . Ill the mouth. In the male a well-developed crest on the occiput, and a fringed tentacle above the orbit twice as long as the eye; another short one at the anterior nostril. In the female no crest on the neck, a fringed tentacle about as long as the eye above the orbit, and another short one at the anterior nostril. Teeth, canines absent. Fins: the anterior portion of the dorsal fin much lower than the posterior, the two parts being divided by a deep notch ; this fin is not continuous with the caudal, which last is cut square. All the fin-rays simple, except those in the caudal. Colours : in the male, olive-brown with indistinct blackish blotches along the side and extending on to the dorsal fin; two or three rows of round blue spots on the body and head : in the female, olive-brown becoming white below, and marbled all over with brown lines, forming large insulated places. Head and upper two thirds of the body dotted with light blue; fins yellowish, dorsal and anal horizontally and sinuously banded in spots ; caudal with five or six vertical dark bands. A brown band divided by a light blue line at the base of the pectoral, which is yellowish and barred with brown. Hab. Kurrachee. Many specimens taken at the oyster-rocks, the males up to 5*§, females to 4 | inches in length. Although this species is not of a uniform brown colour, it appears to agree with the original specimens, which were evidently females. SALARIAS LINEATUS, CUV. & Val. I have recently obtained two fine female specimens of this species, with the following fin-rays :- in one, D. ^y A 25 ; in the other, D. ^. A. 23. They agree in every respect with the male, except in not having any crest on the head. Amongst the little-known Burmese Siluroids are the two following :- MACRONES AFFINIS. Batasio affinis, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1860, p. 150. D. i|0. P. -J. V. 6. A. 12(|). C. 17. Length of head nearly -|-, of pectoral i>, of caudal L, height of body 1 of the total length. Eyes, diameter f of length of head, 1 diameter from end of snout, 1 % apart. Snout projecting. Longitudinal groove on the summit of the head indistinct, but extending to the base of the occipital process, which is narrow and has a separate interneural shield between it and the basal bone of the dorsal fin; it is twice as long as wide. Barbels: the maxillary, which are the longest, only reach to the anterior margin of the orbit. Teeth on the palate in an uninterrupted band. Fins : dorsal spine moderately strong, slAhtly serrated posteriorly in its upper fourth, and as long as from the hind edge of the orbit to the end of the snout; pectoral spine slAhtly longer and stronger than that of the dorsal, and coarsely |