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Show 1873.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON THE GENUS ACROSOMA. 423 19. ACROSOMA RUBICUNDULUM. Acrosoma rubicundulum, Keyserling, Sitzungsber. der Isis zu Dresden, p. 74, pl. 2. f. 7 (1863, edit. 1864). " Bogota " (Keyserling). Belongs to the A. armigerum group. 20. ACROSOMA PUNGENS. Plectana pungens, Walckenaer, Apt. ii. p. 173. n. 35 (1837); Keyserling, Sitzungsber. der Isis zu Dresden, pl. 2. f. 5 (1863). "Cayenne" (Walckenaer). A broad species, somewhat like A. flaveolum in form, but spined more like A. armigerum. 21. ACROSOMA BICOLOR. Acrosoma bicolor, Keyserling, Sitzungsber. der Isis zu Dresden, p. 73, pl. 2.f 6 (1863, edit. 1864). " Bogota " (Keyserling) ; sp. ead. 1 Venezuela (Dyson). B.M. 22. ACROSOMA MILITARE. Aranea militaris, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. ii. p. 416. Plectana militaris, Walckenaer, Apt. ii. p. 174. n. 37(1837). South America. According to Walckenaer, this species resembles A. spinosum, but has only four spines. 23. ACROSOMA RUBROCINCTUM, n. sp. Cephalothorax truncate in front and prominent, depressed and expanded behind, with central transverse quasi-suture ; abdomen trapezoidal, sinuated in front, and bearing two short obtuse spines, one on each anterior angle, projecting slightly on either side of the cephalothorax; two strong subconical widely divergent acuminate spines directed obliquely from each posterior angle; ventral surface longitudinally wrinkled. Length of abdomen 2 lines ; width at widest part 1\ line; entire length 2| lines; anterior spines \ of a line, posterior 15 line. Colours. Cephalothorax, falces, maxillae, and legs reddish castaneous, labium pale castaneous, sternum pitchy: abdomen above brownish olivaceous, encircled by reddish castaneous including spines ; below black, with an orange spot on each side of the spinnerets; spines reddish castaneous. Brazil. One specimen. B.M. A small and obscure species of the P. crassispinum group. 24. ACROSOMA RUFOPUNCTATUM, n. sp. Cephalothorax as in preceding species; abdomen trapezoidal, with two short obtuse spines, one on each anterior angle, projecting obliquely outwards on either side of cephalothorax; two strong subconical, widely divergent acuminate spines directed obliquely outwards from each posterior angle, and nearly horizontal; ventral surface concentrically wrinkled. Length of abdomen 2 lines ; width |