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Show 720 MR. G. B. SOWERBY ON NEW SHELLS. [Nov. 4, shell. Its nearest analogue is E. jujubinus from Swan River, from which, however, it is obviously distinct. 6. TORNATELLA ALBA, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 6.) T. testa oblongo-ovata, sub pellucida, alba, undique transversim jjunctato-sulcata, spira subexserta, sutura impressa, apertura elongato-ovata ; columella uniplicuta. Hab. Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope. A pure white semitransparent species, regularly grooved, and beautifully punctured throughout. 7. PYRAMIDELLA CANALICULATA, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 7.) P. testa subulato-turrita, nitida, longitudinaliter irregulariter sulcata, fulvescente, griseo fuscoque zonata et punctata, eximie longitudinaliter albo lineata et punctata, strigis longitudinalibus albo et castaneo irregulariter sparsim ornata ; anfractibus planulatis, supra suturam inciso sulcatis; apertura oblonga, ad basin canalifera ; columella recta, triplicala. Hab. Sandwich Islands? (M. Frick). Shell subulately turreted, shining, longitudinally irregularly grooved, of a yellowish colour, banded and spotted with greyish brown, with fine longitudinal white lines and dots, also ornamented at distant intervals with longitudinal streaks of white and dark brown; whorls flattened, with an incised groove just above the suture ; aperture oblong, channelled at the base ; columella straight, three-plaited. 8. PLEUROTOMA (DRILLIA) BRUNNEOMACULATA, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 8.) P. testa turrita subfusiformi, ceeruleo-alba, fusco maculata et zonata ; anfractibus circa 10, superne leevibus concavis, inferne convexis, transversim obscure sulcatis, medio valide tuberculatis; tuberculis albis, uniserialibus, maculis brunneis superne et inferne ornatis; canali brevi; labro simplici; sinu profundi-usculo; operculo corneo, nucleo lerminali acuminato. Hab. California? (M. Frick). Shell somewhat fusiform, turreted, bluish white, spotted and banded with brown; whorls 10, smooth and concave above, convex and transversely obscurely grooved below, with a single row of prominent white tubercles in the middle, above and below which the brown blotches are arranged; canal short; lip simple; sinus rather deep ; operculum horny, acuminated ; nucleus terminal. Obs. The white nodules or tubercles thrown into prominence by the brown blotches give this species a very striking and beautiful appearance. 9. PLEUROTOMA (DRILLIA) STRIGATA, sp. nov. (Plate LIX. fig. 9.) P. testa turrita, acuminata, undiquetransversimsulcata,flavescente, fusco strigata; anfractibus circa 9, angulatis, ad angulum |