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Show 146 DR. J. C. COX ON NEW LAND-8HELLS FROM [Jan. 21, scattered over them and other parts of the surface, together with fine sulci which mark all below and a little above the centre of the shell, distinguish this Cone from Conus ceylonensis and Conus nux, to both of which it is allied. Hab. Mauritius. 3. CONUS ARTICULATUS. (Plate XV. fig. 3.) C. testa parva, angulata, polita, castanea, lineis nigrescentibus spiralibus albo minutissime punctatis quasi articulatis, angulam spiralem et infra medium fasciis duabus albis concinne fusco maculatis ornata; prope terminum anticum distanter sulcata; spira elevata, acuminata; anfractibus albis, fusco maculatis; roseo; apertura fusco-purpurea. The finely articulated lines from which this species is named are scarcely visible to the unassisted eye through the dark chestnut-colour of the surface. Hab. Mauritius. 4. CONUS ALTISPIRATUS. (Plate XV. fig. 4.) C. testa, lactea tenuiuscula, fusiformi, antice attenuata, acuminata, valide sulcata ; spira perelevata, vix angulata, ad latera convexa, ad apicem rosea; anfractibus prope suturam rotundis compressis apertura breviuscula. I am not acquainted with any other shell approaching this in form, excepting a very dark Cone named C. franciscanus, in which the whorls are angular; and all the characters show it to be distinct. Hab. Agulhas Bank, S. Africa. 5. CONUS CUNEATUS. (Plate XV. fig. 5.) C. testa solida, late turbinata, angulata, prope terminum anticum angustata, sulcata, laevigata, albida, fulvo pallidissime bifasciata, infra medium fascia alba maculis quadratis perpaucis cincta spira subelevata, acuminata, angulata; anfractibus supra angulum tenuissime spiraliter striatis, maculis castaneis raris ornatis; apertura intus pallidissime violacea. This broadly angular shell, although of simple characters, does not seem to suggest comparison with any other known species. Locality unknown. 8. Descriptions of new Land-Shells from Australia and the Solomon Islands. By J A M E S C. C O X , M.D., C.M.Z.S., Sydney, N e w South Wales. [Received December 4, 1872.] (Plate XVI.) HELIX (GEOTROCHUS) MISER, sp. nov. Shell narrowly perforate, thin, coniform, obliquely finely striated ; colour reddish chestnut, becoming pale yellowish brown towards the |