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Show 1873.] OF THE ETHIOPIAN REGION. 599 1. $. Natal. Ayres 2. Transvaal. Ayres 3. Tette. Livingstone 4. Damara Land. Andersson *-* 6. Biballa. Anchieta 7 8. $. Elands' Post. Atmore 9. $. Waliko. Blanford 10. Simla. Thompson 11. Lahore. Marshall 14. „ „ 16. Pegu. Blanford Long. tot. 11-5 12*3 11-7 120 13*6 140 14-0 11-8 12-7 10*8 12-2 12-4 12-6 12-9 11-4 12-4 Ala?. 5*90 6-15 5-65 6-35 6-4 60 6-6 6-05 5-75 6-75 6-2 6-0 5-8 6-0 5-85 5-9 Caud. 71 7-4 6-9 7-8 8-0 7-6 7-8 7-3 7-3 6-8 7-3 7-4 7-3 7-2 70 7*2 Many ornithologists have followed Levaillant in considering this and Coccystes serratus to be sexes of one and the same bird. Independently of Mr. Layard's testimony that they are not equally common in the parts of South Africa they inhabit, the best answer that can be given to this supposition is that in Abyssinia and in India the Black-crested Cuckoo never occurs at all. 4. COCCYSTUS SERRATUS. Crested Black Cuckow, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pt. 2, p. 519 (I 782). Cuculus serratus, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, fasc. i. pl. 3 (1786) ; Sundev. Crit. Sparrm. p. 4 (1858). Cuculus ater, G m . S. N. i. p. 415 (1788, ex Lath.). Le Coucou Edolio (male), Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. v. p. 39, pl. 207 (1806) ; Sundev. Crit. om Levaill. p. 47 (1858). Cuculus edolius S, Cuv. Regne Anim. i. p. 425 (1S17); Less. Traite.p. 148(1831). Oxylophus edolius, Sw. Classif. B. ii. p. 322 (1837) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 252(1867). Oxylophus serratus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 464 (1847) ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. B.p 74'(1849); Bp. Consp. i. p. 102 (1850); Gurney, Ibis, 1859, p. 246 ; Ayres, Ibis, 1869, p. 297. Coccystes serratus, Cab. & Hein. Mus. Hein. Th. iv. p. 47 (1862); Schl. Mus. P.-B., Cuculi, p. 45 (1864) ; Gray, Hand-1. B. ii. p. 220 (1870); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 13 (1871). Adult male. Above glossy greenish black, with a long crest of the same colour; under surface of body also greenish black, but a little duller than the back ; quills brownish, the secondaries glossed with green like the back, the primaries white at the base of both webs, forming externally a very large alar speculum ; tail greenish above, inclining to purplish brown underneath; bill black ; tarsi slate-coloured ; iris nearly black. Total length 12*5 inches, culmen 1*0, wing 6*15, tail 7'6, tarsus 105. |