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Show 472 INTERNATIONAL TREATIES ARTICLE 21 The construction of the international dams and the formation of artificial lakes shall produce no change in the fluvial international boundary, which shall continue to be governed by existing treaties and conventions in force between the two countries. The Commission shall, with the approval of the two Governments, establish in the artificial lakes, by buoys or by other suitable markers, a practicable and convenient line to provide for the exercise of the jurisdiction and control vested by this Treaty in the Commission and its respective Sections. Such line shall also mark the boundary for the application of the customs and police regulations of each country. ARTICLE 22 The provisions of the Convention between the United States and Mexico for the rectification of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) in the El Paso-Juarez Valley signed on February 1, 1933, shall govern, so far as delimitation of the boundary, distribution of jurisdiction and sov- ereignty, and relations with private owners are concerned, in any places where works for the artificial channeling, canalization or recti- fication of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) and the Colorado River are carried out. ARTICLE 23 The two Governments recognize the public interest attached to the works required for the execution and performance of this Treaty and agree to acquire, in accordance with their respective domestic laws, any private property that may be required for the construction of the said works, including the main structures and their appurtenances and the construction materials therefor, and for the operation and mainte- nance thereof, at the cost of the country within which the property is situated, except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this Treaty. Each Section of the Commission shall determine the extent and lo- cation of any private property to be acquired within its own country and shall make the necessary requests upon its Government for the acquisition of such property. The Commission shall determine the cases in which it shall become necessary to locate works for the conveyance of water or electrical energy and for the servicing of any such works, for the benefit of either of the two countries, in the territory of the other country, in order that such works can foe built pursuant to agreement between the two Governments. Such works shall be subject to the jurisdiction and su- pervision of the Section of the Commission within whose country they are located. Construction of the works built in pursuance of the provisions of this Treaty shall not confer upon either of the two countries any rights either of property or of jurisdiction over any part whatsoever of the territory of the other. These works shall be part of the territory and foe the property of the country wherein they are situated. How- ever, in the case of any incidents occurring on works constructed across the limitrophe part of a river and with supports on both banks, |