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Show DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMPACT 143 "ARTICLE II "Where used in this Gompact, singular words shall be considered as includinjg the plural, masculine words shall be construed as including the feminine and neuter, and the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings respectively designated for each: "(1) The term 'waters of the Delaware river' means the surface waters originating within the Delaware drainage basin. " (2) The term 'channel' or 'channel of the Delaware river' means the bed of the Delaware river and the lands on and over which the waters of said river flow, beginning at the place where said river crosses latitude forty-two degrees (42° 00'), the northern boundary of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and extending thence continu- ously as the said river winds and turns down to latitude forty degrees twelve and one-half minutes (40° 12y2f) near Trenton Falls. "(3) The term 'Delaware drainage basin' means the total area of both land and water from which the surface waters flow down to where the channel of the Delaware river crosses latitude forty degrees twelve and one-half minutes (40° 12y2'). " (4) The term 'upper basin' means that part of the Delaware drain- age basin from which the surface waters flow down to where the chan- nel of the Delaware river crosses latitude forty-one degrees twenty- one and one-quarter minutes (41° 2114'), below the mouth of tne Neversink river and near the point which marks the boundary be- tween the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the states of New Jer- sey and New York. " (5) The term 'lower basin' means that part of the Delaware drain- age basin which is not embraced within the upper basin. " (6) The term 'tributary' or 'tributary of the Delaware river' means any watercourse, the waters of which naturally flow into the channel of the Delaware river. " (7) The term 'development' means making water available for use or diversion by the construction of any intake, dam or other works. "(8) The term 'develop' means to make available by development. "(9) The term 'point of storage' means the place on a tributary or in the channel of the Delaware river at which a dam is maintained for the purpose of creating storage. "(10) The term 'point of diversion' means the place at which water is diverted from a tributary or from the channel of the Delaware river. "(11) The term 'diversion' when referring to the water of a tribu- tary means the taking or removal from that tributary of water which is not returned into the channel of the Delaware river either above the point at which the tributary enters said channel or within a dis- tance of twelve miles below that point, measured along the center line of said channel. When referring to the channel of the Delaware river this term means the taking or removal from said channel of water which is not returned into said channel or into the Delaware river below latitude forty degrees twelve and one-half minutes (40° 121/^') within a distance of twelve miles below the place of taking or removal, measured along the center line of said channel and river. |