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Show 470 INTERNATIONAL TREATIES increase or decrease each monthly quantity prescribed by those sched- ules (by not more than 20% of the monthly quantity. G. The total quantity of water to be delivered under Schedule I of paragraph A of this Article may be increased in any year if the amount to be delivered under Schedule II is correspondingly reduced and if the limitations as to rates of delivery under each schedule are corre- spondingly increased and reduced. IV-Tijuana River ARTICLE 16 In order to improve existing uses and to assure any feasible further development, the Commission shall study and investigate, and shall submit to the two Governments for their approval: (1) Recommendations for the equitable distribution between the two countries of the waters of the Tijuana River system; (2) Plans for storage and flood control to promote and develop domestic, irrigation and other feasible uses of the waters of this system; (3) An estimate of the cost of the proposed works and the manner in which the construction of such works or the cost thereof should be divided between the two Governments; (4) Recommendations regarding the parts of the works to be oper- ated and maintained by the Commission and the parts to be operated and maintained by each Section. The two Governments through their respective Sections of the Com- mission shall construct such of the proposed works as are approved by both Governments, shall divide the work to be done or the cost thereof, and shall distribute between the two countries the waters of the Tijuana River system in the proportions approved by the two Governments. The two Governments agree to pay in equal shares the costs of joint operation and maintenance of the works involved, and each Government agrees to pay the cost of operation and maintenance of the works assigned to it for such purpose. V-General Provisions ARTICLE 17 The use of the channels of the international rivers for the discharge of flood or other excess waters shall be free and not subject to limita- tion by either country, and neither country shall have any claim against the other in respect of any damage caused by such use. Each Government agrees to furnish the other Government, as far in advance as practicable, any information it may have in regard to such extraor- dinary discharges of water from reservoirs and flood flows on its own territory as may produce floods on the territory of the other. Each Government declares its intention to operate its storage dams in such manner, consistent with the normal operations of its hydraulic systems, as to avoid, as far as feasible, material damage in the terri- tory of the other. |