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Show DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMPACT 153 "Whereas, upon the recommendation of the said Interstate Com- mission on the Delaware River Basin, submitted through the Com- mission on Interstate Cooperation of each of the States concerned, the legislatures of the States of New Jersey and New York and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by reciprocal legislation, enacted laws at their 1949 Sessions (New Jersey Laws of 1949, Chap. 105; New York Laws of 1949, Chap. 610; Pennsylvania Laws of 1949, Act 475), authorizing and directing the said Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin to make surveys and investigations to determine and report on the feasibility and advisability of the future construction of an integrated water project designed, among other purposes, to meet the combined prospective water supply require- ments of political subdivisions and metropolitan areas in the said States, both within and outside the said Basin, empowering such Com- mission to enter upon lands, structures, and waters for the purposes of such surveys and investigations, making an appropriation to such Commission, and requiring a full report of its proceedings, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and such draft or drafts of legislation as it may deem necessary or proper for enactment by such States; and "Whereas, based upon a full report submitted by the Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin setting forth the findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from its surveys and investigations, it is the opinion of that Commission, concurred in by each of the aforesaid Commissions on Interstate Cooperation, that the future construction of integrated water projects in the Delaware River Basin is feasible, advisable, and urgently needed, and can best be accomplished by and through a joint administrative agency created by an agreement or compact between the States of Delaware, New Jersey, and New York and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and "Whereas, the Congress of the United States, by its Joint Resolution of March 1,1911 (36 Stat. 961), relating to the conservation of forests and water supply and protection of forests from fire, gave general consent to encourage the making of agreements or compacts between States for the purpose of conserving the forests and the water supply; "Now, Therefore, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the States of New Jersey and New York (and the State of Delaware if and when Delaware becomes a signatory State) do hereby solemnly covenant and agree each with the other as follows: "ARTICLE I----CREATION AND PURPOSES OF THE COMMISSION "1. There is created hereby a body corporate and politic with perpet- ual succession, to be known as The Delaware River Basin Water Commission (hereinafter in this compact referred to as the Commis- sion), which shall constitute a public corporate instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the States of New Jersey and New York (and of the State of Delaware if and when Delaware be- comes a signatory State), and each of them, to exercise an essential governmental function of eaioh of the signatory States, for the pur- poses of developing, utilizing, controlling, and conserving the water resources of the Delaware River Basin in order to assure an adequate water supply: 94-497-69------11 |