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Show 92 INTERSTATE COMPACTS but shall be apportioned when, the safe yield is subsequently determined. (f) The Colorado apportionment of Surplus Water, as allocated in Article IV (f), shall be delivered by New Mexico at such points of interstate delivery and in the respective quantities, subject to transmission losses, requested by the Colorado member of the Commission. (g) In the event that additional water becomes usable by the construction of Additional Storage Facilities, such water shall be made available to each State in accordance with rules and regula- tions to be prescribed by the Commission. (h) When it appears to the Commission that any part of the water allocated to one State for use in a particular year will not be used by that State, the Commission may permit its use by the other State during that year, provided that a permanent right to the use of such water shall not thereby be established. ARTICLE VI The desirability of consolidating various of the direct flow ditches serving the Costilla-Garcia Area, which are now or which would be- come interstate in character by consolidation, and diverting the water available to such ditches through a common headgate is recognized. Should the owners of any of such ditches or a combination of them, desire to effectuate a consolidation and provide for a common head- gate diversion, application therefor shall be made to the Commission which, after review of the plans submitted, may grant permission to make such consolidation. ARTICLE VII The Commission shall cause to be maintained and operated a stream-gaging station, equipped with an automatic water-stage re- corder, at each of the following points, to-wit: (a) On Costilla Creek immediately below Costilla Reservoir. (b) On Costilla Creek at or near the Canyon Mouth above the headgate of Cerro Canal and below the Amalia Area. (c) On Costilla Creek at or near the Boundary. (d) On the Cerro Canal immediately below its headgate. (e) On the Cerro Canal at or near the Boundary. (f) On the intake from Costilla Creek to the Eastdale Reser- voir No. 1, immediately above the point where the intake dis- charges into the reservoir. (g) On the Acequia Madre immediately below its headgate. (h) On the Acequia Madre at the Boundary. (i) Similar gaging stations shall be maintained and operated at such other points as may be necessary in the discretion of the Com- mission for the securing of records required for the carrying out of the provisions of the compact. Such gaging stations shall be equipped, maintained, and oper- ated by the Commission directly or in cooperation with an appro- priate federal or state agency, and the equipment, method, and frequency of measurement at such stations shall be such as to produce reliable records at all times. |