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Show BEAR RIVER COMPACT 27 use in Utah and Wyoming; and to store in any water year in Idaho or Wyoming on Thomas Fork 1,000 acre-feet of water for use in Idaho. Such additional storage rights shall be subordinate to, and shall not be exercised when the effect thereof will be to impair or interfere with (1) existing direct flow rights for consumptive use in any river division and (2) existing storage rights above Stewart Dam, but shall not be subordinate to any right to store water in Bear Lake or else- where below Stewart Dam. One-half of the 35,500 acre-feet of addi- tional storage right above Stewart Dam so granted to Utah and Wyo- ming is hereby allocated to Utah, and the remaining one-half thereof is allocated to Wyoming, but in order to attain the most beneficial use- of such additional storage consistent with the requirements of future water development projects, the three Commissioners for Utah and the three Commissioners for Wyoming are hereby authorized, subject to ratification by the legislature of Utah and the legislature of Wyo- ming, to modify by written agreement the allocations of such addi- tional storage. B. The waters of Bear Lake below elevation 5,912.91 feet, Utah Power & Light Company Bear Lake datum (the equivalent of elevation 5,915.66 feet based on the sea level datum of 1929 through the Pacific Northwest Supplementary Adjustment of 1947) shall constitute a re- serve for irrigation. The water of such reserve shall not be released solely for the generation of power, except in emergency, but after re- lease for irrigation it may be used in generating power if not incon- sistent with its use for irrigation. Any water in Bear Lake in excess of that constituting the irrigation reserve may be used solely for the generation of power or for other beneficial uses. As new reservoir capacity above the Stewart Dam is constructed to provide additional storage pursuant to paragraph A of this Article, the Commission shall make a finding in writing as to the quantity of additional storage and shall thereupon make an order increasing the irrigation reserve in accordance with the following table: Lake surface elevation Additional storage, Utah Power & Light Company acre-feet Bear Lake datum 5,000_________________________________5, 913. 24 10,000_________________________________5,913. 56 15,000_________________________________5,913. 87 20, 000_________________________________5, 914.15 25,000_________________________________5,914. 41 30,000_________________________________5,914. 61 35,500_________________________________5,914. 69 36,500_________________________________5,914.70 C. Subject to existing rights, each State shall have the use of water for farm and ranch domestic, and stock watering purposes, and sub- ject to State law shall have the right to impound water for such pur- poses in reservoirs haying storage capacities not in excess, in any case, of 20 acre-feet, without deduction from the allocation made by paragraph A of this Article. D. The storage rights in Bear Lake are hereby recognized and con- firmed subject only to the restrictions hereinbefore recited. |