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Show 176 INTERSTATE COMPACTS for public water supplies, or render such waters unfit for commercial fishing, shell fish culture, recreational, industrial or other purposes. "6. Such effluent shall be practically free of substances capable of producing offensive tastes or odors in public water supplies derived from the Delaivare River. "It is further recognized by the signatory states that the quality of the waters of the intrastate tributaries of the Delaware River and its aforesaid West Branch are of interstate concern at their points of confluence with the Delaware River and its West Branch. There- fore, it is also agreed that sewage, industrial waste, or other artificial polluting matter, discharged into or permitted to flow, or to fall into, or be placed in any intrastate tributary of the aforesaid Delaware River, shall be treated to that degree, if any, necessary to maintain the waters of such intrastate tributary immediately above its con- fluence with the aforesaid Delaware River in a condition at least equal to the clean and sanitary condition of the waters of the Dela- ware River immediately above the confluence of such tributary. "Analyses and tests regarding the minimum requirements herein presented shall be determined in accordance with the provisions con- tained in the American Public Health Association's latest edition on 'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage.' "The aforesaid requirements as to treatment of sewage, industrial wastes, or other artificial polluting matter, and as to the sanitary quality of receiving waters are minima. It is the intent and purpose of these requirements to accomplish reasonable and adequate control and correction of pollution. Due to the many variable factors in- volved, however, and to the impossibility of forecasting future devel- opments with certainty, it may be necessary in the future to impose additional requirements, particularly in Zones 2 and 3. "The minima herein prescribed, therefore, shall be considered the first step toward attaining the objectives sought and, if necessary, may be required to be supplemented in the case that the general appli- cation of such minimum requirements does not adequately improve and maintain the sanitary quality of the waters of the Delaware River." |