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Show 68 INTERSTATE COMPACTS The State of Connecticut agrees to reimburse the Commonwealth of Massachusetts forty (40) per cent, the State of New Hampshire forty (40) per cent and the State of Vermont forty (40) per cent of the amount of taxes lost to their political subdivisions by reason of owner- ship by the United States of lands, rights or other property therein for the flood control dams and reservoirs at Tully, at Knightville and at Birch Hill in Massachusetts, at Surry Mountain in New Hampshire and at Union Village in Vermont. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts agrees to reimburse the State of New Hampshire fifty (50) per cent and the State of Vermont fifty (50) per cent of the amount of taxes lost to their political subdivisions by reason of acquisition and ownership by the United States of lands, rights or other property therein for construction in the future of any flood control dam and reservoir specified in Article IV and also for any other flood control dam and reservoir hereafter constructed by the United States in the Connecticut River Valley. The State of Connecticut agrees to reimburse the Commonwealth of Massachusetts forty (40) per cent, the State of New Hampshire forty (40) per cent and the State of Vermont forty (40) per cent of the amount of taxes lost to their political subdivisions by reason of acquisi- tion and ownership by the United States of lands, rights or other property therein for construction in the future of any flood control dam and reservoir specified in Article IV and also for any other flood control dam and reservoir hereafter constructed by the United States in the Connecticut River Valley. Annually, not later than November first of each year, the commission shall determine the loss of taxes resulting to political subdivisions of each signatory state by reason of acquisition and ownership therein by the United States of lands, rights or other property in connection with each flood control dam and reservoir for which provision for tax reim- bursement has been made in the four paragraphs next above. Such losses of taxes as determined by the commission shall be based on the tax rate then current in each such political subdivision and on the average assessed valuation for a period of five years prior to the acqui- sition by the United States of such property, provided that whenever a political subdivision wherein a flood control dam and reservoir or por- tion thereof is located shall have made a general revaluation of prop- erty subject to the annual municipal taxes of such subdivision, the commission may use such revaluation for the purpose of determining the amount of taxes for which reimbursement shall be made. Using the percentage of payment agreed to in said four paragraphs, the com- mission shall then compute the sum, if any, due from each signatory state to each other signatory state and shall send a notice to the treas- urer of each signatory state setting forth in detail the sums, if any, each is to pay and to receive from each other signatory state in reimbursement of tax losses. Each signatory state on receipt of formal notification from the com- mission of the sum which it is to pay in reimbursement for tax losses, shall, not later than July first of the following year, make its payment for such tax losses to the signatory state wherein such loss or losses occur, except that in case of the first annual payment for tax losses of any dam or reservoir such payment shall be made by payor states not |