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Show 216 INTERSTATE COMPACTS things, camp sites, borrow banks or pits, rock ledges, gravel deposits and rights of way thereto in the vicinity of the dam necessary for the construction and maintenance thereof. "(2) The reconstruction, relocation or elevation of public highways, including bridges or other structures; "(3) The reconstruction or relocation of public service utilities, in- cluding railroads and the alteration of bridges and structures thereon, whether publicly or privately owned; "(4) The reconstruction or relocation of telegraph, telephone, or electric distribution and transmission lines, pipe lines, aqueducts, water or gas mains; "(5) And any and all other damages, expenses or costs that may be necessitated or incurred in procuring and providing the sites neces- sary for the construction of the reservoirs herein contemplated, in- cluding the cost and expense of acquiring such lands, easements and rights of way and procuring the reconstruction or relocation of the highways, bridges, railroads, telephone, telegraph and electric lines, pipes, aqueducts and mains, above mentioned, or the rights of way for the same, or any other similar expenditures. "article ix "The rights to be acquired and exercised by the Commission are solely for flood control purposes, and each of the respective signatory states, wherein any reservoir may be situated, reserves respectively unto itself all benefit or advantage of water conservation, power storage or power development that may be inherent in such reservoir site. "In the event either signatory state may wish to preserve to itself the value of sudh site for the purposes aforesaid, it may, through an appro- priate agency of the state, so notify the United States, through the War Department, before any construction work is commenced here- under for flood control purposes, so that the design and construction of the dam at such site may be developed in sudh manner as to provide for further development as a storage reservoir for the conservation of water, enhancement of stream flow or power development. "Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent either state, at its option, at any time hereafter, by itself or through such agency as it may designate, from developing any such reservoir or reservoirs for use for water conservation, power storage or power development, in order that it may avail itself of the full bene- ficial use and enjoyment of the rights herein reserved. In such event, sudh state shall pay or provide for the payment of all costs or expenses necessary for sudh further development, including adaptation of an existing dam and works to such purpose, in accordance with plans approved by the Secretary of War, and at all times fully preserve the primary purpose of flood control. "The terms and conditions under which any such signatory state shall make available the rights of water conservation, power storage or power development herein reserved shall foe determined by separate agreement or arrangement between such state and the United States; and the type and general plans for the construction of such of the reservoirs as are herein contemplated to provide for such further devel- opment shall be approved by some agency of such state, for that pur- |