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Show 60 THE AUL-AMERICA2* CAJtfAL. Estimated cost of connection of Imperial Canal with Laguna Dam, 9,000 second-fed capacity. Estimated cost of canal construction, being the cost of canal construction to the Pilot Knob power station ($4,880,258) plus the cost of a tail-race to eonnect with the present Imperial Canal ($91,080)____.......$$4,971,338 Charge Yuma project with two-ninths of cost to Araz (two-ninths of $4,467,663), as above............................................... 992,814 Charge Imperial Irrigation District with balance...................... 3,978,524 Charge Imperial Irrigation District for right to connect with Laguna Dam, payable in installments............................................ 1,600,000 Total, chargeable to Imperial Irrigation District, of which a part would be in deferred payments.............................. 5,578,524 Estimated cost of power plant near Pilot Knob, based on the utilization of 6,000 second-feet of water falling about 30 feet (Bame as estimated for mesa power station No. 1)...............-...................... 1,231,523 Charge Yuma project with 40 per cent thereof, being in round numbers the ratio which 8,500 water horsepower bears to the total water horsepower for which the installation is made...........'...............:.. 492,609 Charge Imperial Irrigation District with 60 per cent thereof............ 738,914 The part of the estimated cost which is chargeable to Imperial Irrigation District of the construction of a connection between the Imperial Canal and the Laguna Dam, at a capacity of 9,000 second -feet, including a power plant near Pilot Knob, is as follows: Part cost of canal construction, as above.............................. 3,978,524 Part cost of Pilot Knob power plant, asabove______.................. 738,914 TotaL........................................................ 4,717,438 Eight to connect with Laguna Dam, payable in installments.......... 1,600,000 Total, of which part would be in deferred payments............ 6,3]7,438 The estimated cost, chargeable to the Yuma project for power to be generated at Pilot Knob is as follows: Part cost of canal construction, as above.............................. 992,814 Part cost of Pilot Knob power plant, asabove......................... 492,609 Total...................-..................................... 1,485,423 The estimated cost of canal construction chargeable to power and to be used as a basis in figuring interest on the investment is as follows (connection with Laguna Dam, 9,000 second-feet): One-third of cost of canal to Araz, based on the relation of one-half of 6,000 second-feet to 9,000 second-feet, or one-third of $4,467,663...... 1,489,221 The gross constructioii coat chargeable to power, including power plants, will be about as follows: Estimated cost of Pilot Knob power plant based on a utilization of 6,000 second-feet of water for power..................................... 1,231,523 One-third of cost of canal to Araz, asabove........................... 1,489,221 Total................................................-........ 2,720,744 |