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Show 58 THE ALL-AMERICAN CANAL. tion, may therefore be regarded as too large by about $625,000 in the one case and by about $730,000 in the other. A summary and analysis of the cost estimates is here presented: Estimated cost of all-American canal, 9,000 second-feet capacity. Estimated total cost of canal construction not including the item of $1,900,000 for the right to connect with the Laguna Dam nor the cost of power development.............................................$27, 655. 091 Charge Yuma project with two-ninths of cost of canal to Araz, based on the relation of one-half of 4,000 second-feet to 9,000 second-feet, or two-ninths of $4,467,663............................................. 992,814 Charge Imperial Valley with balance.™.............................. 26,662,277 To which is to be added the obligation to pay in annual installments ^.. 1,900,000 Total, of which a part would be in deferred payments............ 28,562,277 The distribution of cost according to area to Imperial Irrigation District and to the mesa and other outside lands would be about as follows: Imperial Irrigation District about 60 per cent of $26,662,277, net canal construction cost.................................................. 15,997,366 Imperial Irrigation District about 60 per cent of the item $1,900,000 (in annnft.1 JTiHtailtnftTita)............................................... 1,140,000 Total, of which a part would be in deferred payments............ 17,137, 366 Outside lands about 40 per cent of $26,662,277 net canal construction cost............................................................... 10,664,911 Outside lands about 40 per cent of the item $1,900,000, in annual installments........................................................ 760,000 Total, of which a part would be in deferred payments............ 11,424,911 The distribution of the cost of installing power plants at Pilot Knob and at mesa power stations Nos. 1 and 2 would be as follows: Estimated total cost of power plants................................... 3,387,268 Charge Yuma project for power with about 40 per cent of what it would cost to install a power plant near Pilot Knob for the utilization of 6,000 second-feet falling 30 feet, or, in lieu thereof, with about 50 per cent of the cost of the power installation at mesa station No. 1 where 6,000 second-feet of water falling 24 feet are to be utilized, or 50 per cent of $1,231,523 (inround numbers).................................... 616,000 Charge Imperial "Valley for power, with balance........................ 2, 771,268 The distribution to Imperial Irrigation District and to the outside lands of the estimated cost of power installation, which is charged to Imperial Valley, should be as follows: Total estimated cost of installing power plants charged to Imperial Valley, as above...................................................... 2,771,268 Charge outside lands a proportionate part of the estimated cost of mesa power plant No. 1 determined by the ratio that 500 second-feet provided at mesa power station No. 1 for the outside lands bears to the total capacity of 6,000 second-feet there provided for Imperial Irrigation District together with the outside lands, or one-twelfth of $1,231,523. - 102,627 Charge to Imperial Irrigation District the balance...................... 2,668,641 |